
Boy, this is really bringing out all the man-splaining about domestic violence.

NO. It's too California.

Your youth and privilege are showing. When you grow up it might all make more sense. Maybe not.

Learn to think beyond your script.

Listen, you identify with the privileged class And so it's not hard to understand where your attitudes were formed. We get it. The #Not All Men crap and faux liberal thinking about gender issues you clearly have never really have had to grapple with. You have a mother and a sister. Woohoo! I have a boy cat and a

Lotta angry language there.

Beating. Deep seated hatred. Abuse. Your words. Not mine. Y'all got issues.

And you really do seem to like talking about abusing women. Just noting.

Are you going as Chewbacca or Luke Skywalker?

Ok. I hope you stop being mad at the girl who wouldn't go to prom with you. Have fun at ComiCon.

I also think its interesting that you chose for a screen name the name of one of the whitest, most privileged characters in popular culture. Just saying. Information there.

Yes. I support spousal abuse. Child abuse while we're at it. And that as long a woman is bigger she can hit a man. Susan Anton could have beat the living shit out of Dudley Moore for all I care. What I really believe is that your brand of pedantic misogyny is what undermines real progress for any of us.

Yes. She's smaller. He's bigger. It's the generally accepted norm in the science of biology/physiology. Unless you think man rode dinosaurs. Which I'm guessing might be the case with the smoking while pregnant comment. Who are you Capt. America?

It has noting to do with being a mousey waif. Or special consideration. Don't give me this women are just the same as men bullshit. It has to do with he's a trained athlete. It's about physical strength. Beat up on someone your own size. I'm not sure she's being painted as a saint. A little hyperbolic, no? What girl

He is a FUCKING PROFESSIONAL ATHLETE WHO HIT A WOMAN. What part of that don't you understand?

I'm a statistic and proud of it. Now I get to bitch just like a man, "What am I paying to heat the whole neighborhood!? Put on a sweater!"

Her period came back after one piece of salmon? That's some fish.

This whole thing starts to feel wonky for me at "She decided to politely explain it to him (which I sadly don't have a screen shot of)." What was her polite explanation? His actions were in any way admirable, but I can't shake the she doth protest too much feeling. There's also a difference between attempting to

Lighten up, Francis.

The McDonald's suit was a more complicated than generally reported in the press; by the time the wire services got it out nationally it became "Burned Woman Sues McDonald's For Hot Coffee." The truth is that it actually only became a major lawsuit when McDonald's refused to cover the basic medical expenses for the