
"The urban lower class is one such culture." Whoa. Is this Paul Ryan trolling Jezebel? Tell us again the part about "the culture in our inner cities of people not wanting to work." I can't get enough of you.

Mr. Softee loves all people and doesn't play that song. Thank you God.

They grabbed each other because they know what's in store for them for the next 80 or so years. Hold on tight sisters! It's a tough world out there.

Why is this a story?

Lighten up people.

I hate them, but I'm not sure why they're being indicted for admitting that every style of clothing does not work on every body type. Have you walked down a Manhattan street in July? It's actually sound advice outside of the source here.

Boy, that's a nice and neat solution. Too bad every other single person who has ever had their rights violated on the job or in a situation in which they were coerced by a powerful person didn't think of it; I'm forwarding this email to NOW, Emily's List, GLAAD and a whole boat load of other organizations. We can all

Having armfuls of ink and a model girlfriend doesn't make you a rock star, it makes you a cliché-recycling douche.

This is one of the best replies ever. I'm serious. You stated (I was going to say backed up, but it just felt wrong) your opinion and provided useful information for the reader. All without snark or trying to be hiiilarious! Thanks.

"We have decided not to sell the current issue of Rolling Stone and so we can sell more shampoo and baby powder to right-wing, fundamentalist, reactionaries. Don't forget to use your Extra Care card."

Munn is ok. Pil is aptly named. I want to smack the shit out of her. Sorry. I screamed like a banshee about VAWA. I swear.

48 year old men who rule out women their own age are usually dating women around 31. Who use the term dudes.

She's adorable, but I'm not sure why pictures of her posing with a male model who is not her significant other is an appropriate response to Jeffries. Good for her. Good for her self confidence and the nice photos of her attractive self and an attractive man, but what does one thing have to do with the other? She

Mind your own fucking business. It's between the new parents.

Not this douche again. Wasn't he whinging a few months ago about all the mean girls hurting men's feelings? Asshat.

Can I have one just like him? Squeeee.

I think GOOP is like rap music; I have no idea what the hell they are talking about, but that's okay, because it's really not meant for me.

More squee less crap like this.