
I agree totally, but why did we give Robin Williams a pass, tho?

I’m completely over how Marvel has her playing Jane Foster (like a lovesick simp), but I still love her. She’s Mr. Sanchez’s crush and I can't blame him.

Too bad security didn't just go with it. Then they could have alerted the actors that there was a new prop onstage. Then the first actor on could smash the shit out of it.

That's Chicano pride, Lady Gaga.

That's some bullshit. I had bad pregnancy sickness and certain smells would set it off. Too bad you didn't throw up on her. Fuck that bitch, too.

I believe it. My *supervisor* wore cologne each day that gave me migraines whenever I had to be around him. So when I very politely explained the problem and asked if he would please not wear cologne to work, he replied, “I can’t not wear it!” And I swear it was like he wore extra after that. I pray to whatever karma

Imagining her slurring the word over and over in the conversation, maybe?

I just watched a documentary called The Opposite Sex: The Story of Rene, and you're so right. Listening to his story, seeing what she went through with her family, and seeing some of the actual surgery was eye-opening as it gets. I was a transgender supporter before, but seeing that really drove it home.

Still my favorite Kevin Smith movie.

There are more episodes set to air later this morning, but I suspect you’ll get Say Yes to the Dress if you actually tune in.

You know what part disturbed me?

Michelle and Jim Bob deserve the same treatment that June Shannon got: Bye Felicia!

But you don’t get how this works. Of course dudes hit on your wife. You were not “Oh dear lord he’s gorgeous” Chris Pratt. You were big and chunky. They thought maybe they could steal your wife away from you.

So, how it works is, big and chunky doesn’t deserve slim and beautiful? So it’s completely acceptable to swoop

Imagining you furiously cutting that pizza into tiny squares has me rolling. Well done!!

Now playing

I just had to go back and watch this, the moment I fell in love with her. And I still love you, girl.

I’m still laughing about how an indignant Tyrion hissed, “Guess AGAIN!” at the slave trader who thought a dwarf’s dick must surely also be tiny.

I think Cersi made a huge mistake by getting Margery thrown in prison, too. Her now devout cousin may be her downfall. The Sparrows are repulsed by gay sex; imagine how they

I don’t think Drogo raped Dany to be cruel; I think it’s all he knew. She was his wife, he did what was expected, without wanting to hurt her. Dany taught him that sex didn’t have to be like that (she was smart enough to have her handmaiden teach her how to seduce him) and he accepted it. He treated Dany with

Exactly. I think the only thing that kept him from flaying her or otherwise torturing her was that Roose would kill him if he had. (Remember, he almost lost Roose’s support when he mutilated Theon. Doing anything to Sansa would be the misstep that he couldn’t come back from.) I was sickened after watching it, too, but

I feel you on the lima beans. Grams wasn't a tyrant. She wouldn't force us to eat foods we straight up didn't like (case in point: she picked the tripe out of our bowls of menudo because she knew we hated it. Without the tripe, we kids loved us some menudo.) But act a fool because you suddenly hate your food touching