R Sweeper

It's not just a question of which is a better deal, but which is the better choice for you. One distinction that I think is important is whether you prefer things to be just as you would experience them at home, in terms of service level, food preparation, etc., or if you are comfortable with some variation. So many

Ozone Generator. You can rent one (or buy one for under $200), seal everything—furniture / items and the generator—up in a room, and let it run all weekend. It will oxidize and destroy the smoke particles, and once the generator is turned off, the ozone degrades back to oxygen within a short time. It's bad to breathe

Baltimore: [cuts Rice]

This is great. I only wish I hadn't had to learn most of these the hard way over the last few years. I have found quinoa and coconut flour to be wonderful replacements for everything from a gravy to thickener to coating for fish. Raw coconut nectar and stevia have also become staples in the kitchen.

I am a career project manage and WiFi engineer. Over 25 years. I got involved in Fire and EMS over 10 years ago and I think the lessons I have learned have really helped catapult my PM work.

I've been a volunteer firefighter since 1986. These are all great.

When they watch TV, make sure the subtitles are on. My 9 and 12 year old read on a college level now.

Lead by example. If your kid doesn't see you reading, why should they want to?

My 6 year old just started reading and we are screwed. No more secret codes spelled out. Watch what you text. The whole deal. Life will not be the same. He's always decoding. It's a disaster.

My brother hated to read until I read the Harry Potter books out loud to him. It completely changed his perspective on books and he grew up to be a reader.

I always wondered why people thought giving coffee to someone drunk was a good idea. Drunks are usually obnoxious and who wants one that's speedded out on coffee and wide awake. Let them fall asleep already. I can't stand alcohol anymore. It's weird. I used to drink and quite a bit (Love to party etc.) not I can't

GAS! I saved 10 dollars today alone (vs local stations). Also don't forget about doing "Storderves" on SAT/SUN to replace lunch. - It can be done. Flowers for your lady/guy(if he's into that). Costco - 'Merica loves you!

Yeah, that's a good point. I was surprised to see a few general items on there, like milk and avocados. But for the most part, it does seem to be brand name stuff, similar to coupons.

Reminds me of the quote wrongly attributed to Mark Twain, but still pretty good:

I think many cultures respect elders more than they do in here in the states. It's quite tragic if you ask me. I have learned more about life from others that are older than me even though it took a while to realize that in my stubborn younger years! So who is more stubborn is the question.

-_- Karl Lagerfeld is saying a model isn't pretty enough? Has he ever seen his own face? Why are men allowed to be ugly and successful? Ugh.

Instead of opening a joint checking account, we just have our accounts at the same bank.