R Sweeper

This. I have to deal with a frustrated co-worker as I am 30 years younger than him but I’m ranked one level higher in terms of experience/knowledge than he is. I’m also a re-hire but he keeps thinking I’m ‘new’. He bitches and whines about why the company went outside to hire my level of skill and not promoted from

You have good reason to be upset in this situation. I’d do my best to get another job. Here is why:

The scenario happened to me while I was at school.

That’s the best kind of feminist. One whose interests have nothing to do with the feminist movement but just plain fair treatment of everybody including those who happen to be female.

Your biggest raise will always come from taking a new job if you aren’t already at the salary cap. If you’re in a field like IT, recruiters are calling you constantly. A lot of times they tell you the salary for the positions. That’s a good indicator for what you should be making. The risk of course is you may find

I see a lot of comments about organizing your list in the way the store is laid out. This is good, but I take it one step further and it makes a HUGE difference:

My late husband fought the salary sharing ban on aerospace in the 80s and 90s by simply sharing his salary with all of his peers every time it changed. It irked his bosses but theY never retaliated because his skills were valuable.

I use Amazon subscribe and save (after reading about it here). When I’m searching for stuff to add to my order I use Invisible Hand to make sure it’s not cheaper somewhere else. The shipping is free and you get a 15% discount if you order five or more items at a time. I’ve also heard good things about, which

Take two people, split the list. Done in half the time. Easy.

A corkscrew. I cannot begin to count the number of corkscrews I have purchased when traveling abroad. I now carry this, wherever I go—except on the plane:

re #1: Not just your itinerary and photocopy of your passport ID page, but photocopies of your traveller’s cheques with serial numbers.

My wife had her passport & wallet stolen when we were in Rome.. (keep a photocopy separate with the numbers & 800 numbers listed on the cards/bills).. BUT big problem when she went to the Embassy to report the theft... Not being a US citizen I wasn’t allowed in she went through the rigmarole only to be asked for $100

I agree.

I hate all of these

Though it’s out of stock right now, they have a model a step up that also includes a built in wall plug, so it’s one less charger to carry around.…

Though it’s out of stock right now, they have a model a step up that also includes a built in wall plug, so it’s one

World travel is a luxury. If you and all your travel partners have money to burn on luxury then go for it. But if you are struggling to fund a minimal savings account and are being irresponsible with funding your retirement, then you have absolutely no business taking trips farther than a few thousand miles from home.

Good for you Thorin! I’ve traveled alone and want to add:

Years ago I had a senior coworker give me this advice: never care more about the company than the company cares about you. It took me a while to realize it, but that advice was priceless.

Gigantic truth bomb here, and one of the better work-related pieces I've ever seen on Lifehacker.

As someone who works in HR, I will confirm everything he said about HR. We're not here for you, Mr. Employee. If we can do something to help you that is not detrimental to the company, then we will. But if something benefits you that hurts the company, forget about it!