If I could live in a shower without my skin sloughing off completely, I would.
If I could live in a shower without my skin sloughing off completely, I would.
I would absolutely support a Muslim women who “insisted on” covering her face, just as I would support Kim Davis if the government was trying to force her to wear clothing that violated her religion. But I wouldn’t support a Muslim woman refusing to issue legal licenses to any woman who didn't cover her face. See the…
You know, a weird thought just occurred to me: maybe, and hear me out on this one, but maybe they take high school football too seriously in Texas.
That’s because when whites act out, it’s an individual thing, when minorities act out (especially black ones), it’s attributed to the whole race. The racist comments are almost always a 1000 times worse when it’s a black person in the video, when it’s a white person, race is almost never brought up. That’s a sad fact…
dude, they specifically discussed that their daughter’s mixed-race appearance would cause undue stress—no doubt from their own internalized racism. Two lesbian parents, no problem but black skin is a bridge too far? smh. They are full of shit and the judge called them out on it.
Wait, there were only 12 episodes of to catch a predator??
From Bristol Palin’s blog:
From what I read, her “DJ’ing” consisted of playing Brandy’s “The Boy Is Mine” 10 times. In a row.
I’m not going to begrudge her for her anger and hurt at his suicide. Judgement?? Really? He ducked out of rehab, bought a gun and killed himself. I love Kurt Cobain. At least one Nirvana song shows up in my music shuffle every single day. I’ve read the books and watched the documentaries. But I can’t begin to imagine…
Maybe not Pitt, but Leo is absolutely, 100% a dumb ass doing dumb ass things all the time.
Rita Ora ‘doesn’t actually give a shit.’
I stopped reading Vanity Fair regularly years ago. I feel like the content is just in the toilet. I swear it used to be a better magazine.
Just as an explainer to those who don’t know this jackass, he’s the guy who copywrited the use of the word “Edge” in a video game title. He’s why the Soul series had to go from Soul Edge to Soul Caliber for the sequels.
My husband bought some watermelon and lemon water at Whole Foods a few weeks ago. It was literally a chunk of watermelon and a lemon wedge in water for $4. He drank it and was like “It’s just water” “Yeah, dummy, what did you expect?” “I dunno, I thought it would be refreshing” “You’re pretty...”
I’ll be honest with you, Brooke, some white guys called me a nigger bitch and told me the non-consensual things they wanted to do to me.
“Then Kanye and I both reached a place where he would say really nice things about my music and what I’ve accomplished, and I could ask him how his kid’s doing...”
“She didn’t want Lilly to learn about black history,” he said, “She just wanted her to learn about the Confederacy.”