
But she dumped him to teach him a lesson about life and love and blah blah blah. Half the MPDG trope is that she gets away but you're left better or some other shit.

I think "respect that this isn't your space" applies to a lot of situations allies are involved in. When you come into a place, or board, or conversation, that is intended for a marginalized group, you need to be extra cautious about your presence, and basically take what that group is willing to let you have.

Except she is eternally doing what the men in her life tell her to do (with the exception of trying to kill herself over a man in her life). She has no agency, and while I can get behind choosing your choice and whatever, being kidnapped and imprisoned and ordered around all the time is hard to justify as feminist.

I'm in! I kind of pictured everything being darker, but I suppose Christopher Nolan can't direct all my movies.

When a lot of people read the book (myself included), they imagined Katniss and Gale as mixed-race in appearance. Yes, because of the olive skin (which is usually applied to people of Middle-Eastern decent) but also because they have black hair and are described as dark.

The trailer is basically a summery of the first couple chapters of the book. I feel like you could break down most trailers this way: Boy meets girl: check; Planet in danger: check; thieves try to steal things: check. The point is to bring you in for the rest of the story, which is fairly smart and surprising.

I hate (watching) her because her arms don't seem to move above the elbow but which of my TV boyfriends did she steal?

Yeah, I've gotten pretty used to celebrities living in LA, but there are always those celebrities. My other one (because I'm a huge nerd) was Anya (from Buffy). She came into a restaurant I was working in and I basically treated her like I treated boys I had a crush on in high school: rudely and with short sentences.

I do have a husband. BUT HE DIDN'T HAVE TO KNOW.

You guys, I love Joel McHale. Like, he's so beautiful it hurts to look at him love. And in honor of him taking his shirt off I will share this thoroughly embarrassing story involving him for your enjoyment:

Is the check lady some kind of snake woman? I'm fairly certain bodies, no matter hot or cheat-y, don't actually form that way.

So what you're saying is that he didn't fix all problems immediately? You're right, while he is going to be responsible for millions of people (mainly young and female people since they are the ones most effected by unfair insurance policies) getting health care in the next few years, he did not get every one health

Yes, he did all of that and more, and sorry, no, I don't have time to find you all of the sources. You can google any one of those issues and find more information on them and this site has a bunch of accomplishments: []

Yeah, I didn't really realize harassment is something you can't really use against kids and teens. My brain kind of immediately went down the frivolous lawsuit path (which is actually an argument I despise) of well kids should be able to say that they believe homosexuality is wrong and expressing your beliefs

My point is we have used this idea of who is "fit" to have kids before and it's always been used to target minorities and the poor. And this wasn't blanket sterilization based on nothing, it's sterilization based on the idea that black women and poor women aren't capable of raising good members of society.

I think I'm thinking about bullying in the grand sense and not specifically school and child based. It didn't occur to me that harassment laws wouldn't apply to kids.

While this is obviously sickening, I'm really glad it's coming to light and reparations are being made.

This is an honest question: why do we need anti-bullying laws? What does it prohibit that harassment laws don't and, while I hate that LGBTQ kids are being bullied, shouldn't the right to tell someone they are going to hell be protected? It just seems like this is a social change area or even a funding area (as in

You can't expect people to hold him to the campaign promises he actually made when there was a world of hope in their brains.

Yeah, being eligible for health care covered by your family and ending gender discrimination in insurance is totes not helpful. Also, launching a campaign and initiatives to address and eradicate domestic violence and teen dating violence... pfsh. What woman is concerned with that? Signing the Lilly Ledbetter Fair pay