
Grandparents don't (or shouldn't) have rights unless they've been given legal custody. Might that lead to a situation where a kid misses out on a really great relationship? Yes, but being a bad parent isn't illegal unless it's abuse or neglect. You have a right to be a real ass hole parent, and just like we can't

First of all, small parties bringing issues to the forefront in order for said issues to be absorbed by the larger parties is exactly what we have. The Tea Party is an extreme version of the Right and have successfully moved Republicans closer to their stance.

Absolutely. Even if it's a bad reason, they are still the parents and they still get to make the decision. It may not even be good for the kids, but we have to draw a line between illegal bad parenting (abuse, neglect) and "bad parenting" that we just don't like.

I work for a state official and we get a lot of out of work or underemployed conservatives who come in to scream at us. They all have a pretty loose grip on reality and simultaneously want free stuff from us and to "cut the budget." It's easy to hate them but at the end of the day, it's really just sad. It's ignorance

I'm sorry, I did kind of shitty there.

As a fellow poor person, I'll let it slide... this time.

Actually, most of my male friends and my husband were raised by single women. None of them have changed their names to their wives'.

It's OK, I'm sure we can pick apart something. How about your dating life: do you let him pay?! Do you?!


Thanks! This seems very logical and sane to me. I'm not sure why everyone who learns of our plans breaks down in tears over the future torture our children will have to endure.

First of all, that argument is basically saying that since we can't get away from all patriarchal traditions we shouldn't bother trying to get away from any. And second, yes, other cultures take names differently and in my culture my name is the same as my father's family (something that will change with my kids). But

See I have never met a guy who thought the name, that he grew up with his whole life and upon which he has built a reputation, was someone else' name. My dad gave me my first and last name. Both are mine, fully.

So what happens when that kid gets married? Is there protocol for which they drop? I'm asking because I fully intend to give my kid both of our last names and I'm tired of answering this question over and over.

I'm so glad I'm not alone.

I wouldn't call it "unfeminist," I would call it not feminist, like eating bread is not a feminist thing to do, just a thing. Again, I'm not saying women who change their names can't be feminist, but this one decision they are making is not.

Oh man, hearted.

I think claiming a name is your father's name when you've lived with it your whole life and it's your identity is kind of stupid... to be frank.

Good thing I wore my judgiest pants today!

I don't object to the idea that names are certainly complicated and I respect any woman's choice to change her name, however, I endlessly hate when feminists say "there are no women's names." Just because I got my last name from my father doesn't mean it's a man's name; it's my name in that I've been this name my

I have a meeting! In four minutes! Tears! No!