
I absolutly hate it when people refer to rape as fucking or sex or any other act that isn't rape. All those things require consent and you had none. So let me fix this for you:

I think she should have the right to refuse to sign something she doesn't believe in. And the state has the right to fire her ass for not doing her job.

I would like to see a pig performing Hamlet at the Globe Theater, surrounded by groundings of all species. I would also enjoy that scenario but with Romeo and Juliet or the Tempest. A pig Ariel and Prospero! With Pig-Queen Elizabeth watching from the balcony! Shakespig in Love!

It's not a mandate, it would just allow teens to choose to get the vaccine if they wanted to without parental consent.

Is there like a book of tired college republican cliche stunts that they must all refer to? Seriously, how many times has this bake sale been done on college campuses everywhere? And why is it that all republicans seem to think the greatest way to illustrate injustice is through baked goods?

That's the problem; it's not entirely clear. The understanding seems to be that D&X's (bringing out the fetus intact) are illegal, but probably not the second procedure I described, which might be a Dilation and Evacuation (D&E, though I've heard it refereed to as a D&C by my nurse sister-in-law).

You may be right, but I've heard D&E (evacuation) and D&C's used interchangeably. A late term miscarriage still needs to be broken up to get the fetus out without going through the birth process.

The termination is done inside a woman's body, but in a D&X part of the body may be in the birth canal or possibly outside of a woman's body to have access to the head of the fetus.

Warning, this is gross:

I think everyone's getting that because you're making this comment on an article about the state paying for her sex change.

She shot the woman over a clothing bill.

The state should not be paying for elective surgeries of any kind. This woman deserves to protected from sexual assault (as do all inmates), but that is the extent of the state's obligation.

I read it as "wwwwwhench!" Like a snooty New-Englander might say. Also fancy!

Why isn't living with guilt worse than dying and being done?

Confession: I am 5'5 and wear size 11 shoes. Sometimes when I think about getting pregnant and the hypothetical joys of motherhood, I think, yeah, but then my feet will GROW, and I stop wanting to ever procreate.

How is it possible that no one seems to remember that this guy beats his wives? Or really any male actor/singer/football player? Put your wife/girlfriend/random woman you know if the hospital? Just wait a month! Everyone will let it slide!

Domestic violence victims who leave their abusers are at a 75% greater risk of being murdered by their abusers than those who stay. There is NEVER an easy way out.

You're right, she should have waited until he was trying to kill her. Sure, there's a much better chance that he would have succeeded, but at least she would have been on the right side of the law!

All of the costumed people at Grauman's are awful. They're rude and aggressive and downright scary. Freddy Krueger stabbed some guy a couple of years ago. It was someone he knew and not just a tourist, but still scary. General rule of thumb: people who stand outside on a busy street all day in shitty homemade costumes

They target tourists. If you take a picture with them you're supposed to pay them, though a lot of people don't know that so they harass you until you do.