I live down the street from Grauman's and I assure you the people in costume are creepy. Sexually harassing women is pretty standard.
I live down the street from Grauman's and I assure you the people in costume are creepy. Sexually harassing women is pretty standard.
Right, but you automatically realize how trivial things like a "career" or "accomplishments" are when you look into your perfect babies eyes, right? That's what happens... I've been told! I'm looking forward to popping out a baby and then coasting.
I have it on good authority that I will understand and accept the existence of God as soon as I pop out a kid. Please don't tell me that children won't fix everything, because this whole "being an adult and making decisions and questioning my place in the world" gets super old.
Dear Mom,
Kids that don't want to tell their parents often don't want to tell them because they can't. Abuse is a huge issue and it's insane to ask a child to navigate a court system to get an exemption. But really, abuse isn't even the biggest problem. A girl who doesn't want to tell her parents because they'll be disappointed…
You know what I've been noticing? Everything ever is about men. I mean I know that's not exactly a new thing, but it's been bugging the shit out of me lately. Every movie*, every show, every commercial not about cleaning products, every everything has 10 men characters and 1 lone lady who's a girlfriend or a token cop…
I mean did you see Lerro's Halloween costume last year? Pft. Like she could be Poison Ivy.
Good thing the jury's still out on when poor people feel pain. Otherwise we might have to provide them with healthcare and stop shipping them off to other countries to get blown up for us.
Hey, thanks a lot. I'm getting far too worked up about this, but at least I know I'm not crazy.
I never leave the shower until I look like I've been in some kind of street fight. That's how you know you're really clean.
While your victim blaming is super helpful, NOTHING you mentioned is a way to prevent being attacked. Nothing you said makes me un-assaulted. Just vulnerable to retaliation, physical, emotional, or economic. I also am thoroughly enjoying the irony of you telling me to report things and go to the authorities on a…
You know what, I responded rather curtly before, but now I'm curious. I'm going to tell you some of the situations that I have been in and you tell me what I should have done to prevent them and how they weren't at all related to my sex.
That's completely incorrect. I've been to meetings over the last 10 years and that has never been the case.
Oh bullshit. It's not my job to educate you on the patriarchy or rape culture. Go read a book.
Wouldn't it be nice to turn that fear around?
Gender differences are socialized. Sex differences aren't. Men will always have a different (stronger) muscle structure than women and an ability to jam their external organs in our... space.
Weight Watchers doesn't charge you if you gain weight while you're on the program. The cost is a weekly fee regardless of your weight.
Dude. I have had it up to here with restraining my anger. I'm fucking pissed off about he blatant, embraced, encouraged misogyny in this fucking country and I'm tired of being ladylike about it. I'm just about ready for the revolution.
It's "reasonable doubt" not "a reason to doubt." If there is a reasonable explanation as to how this person could be innocent, then yes, that's reasonable doubt. If the situation where this person is innocent takes a circus of mental gymnastics, like that they called in a fake police report to cover up... their good…
He let a rapist go, is gleefully explaining that waking up to penetration and thinking someone wants it is the same as consent, and is now making money off of talking about it. I think a good punch in the face is just what he needs.