
no, they certainly do create a “product” from the same source material. Their product is simply shittier.

the product was well worth watching.

it’s hilarious how they “blame” millennials.

Viola Davis (sitting next to Will): “Now THAT’S how you prank a costar, Jared Leto.”

Well that was silly and fun. Maybe they should let this guy be Superman. He seems like he would be good at it.

Too young...

Brian Azz’s response to a fan should be condemned. No fan who’s spent at least $700 of his hard earned money to be at Comic-con should be called “a pussy.” Fuck Azzerelol, Fuck his Wonder Woman Run, Fuck his Joker book, fuck his hype. His writing is garbage, his dialogue is garbage, his characterizations is garbage,

Ugh wonder if this was a Bruce Timm thing since he had them have a relationship sometime between BTAS and Batman Beyond. Never really cared for it there, where she was same age and even dated one of Bruce’s sons Dick which made it a bit creepy. Adding it to the mess of Killing Joke is the worst

“Look its fine we ruined our black lady lead! We have another woman of color to take her place!”

I’m convinced Alfred will actually become Batman at the rate things are going and I’m perfectly ok with that.

Bruce: *20 years later as Batman* Ooooh right. Court of Owls, they weren’t a myth I met them when I was a kid.

No one bothers me with their blandness more than Jai Courtney

I feel like he’s the Jai Courtney of comics, a void of charisma who inexplicably has a career.

He addresses that, actually. Major Spoilers!!

Wednesday gets pissed off that he takes everything so calmly, and Shadow says that nothing has bothered him since Laura. Wednesday asks “since she came back to life?” And Shadow says no, since he found out she was cheating. That hurt went so deep that it just kind of numbed

At some point during the ceremony, it will be revealed that all of the nominees are actually played by Tatiana Maslany, who also is playing the statuettes.

Nominated for main title design and main title theme music. Which, while both deserved, HOW THE HELL DID TENNANT NOT GET NOMINATED?

It really hits it’s stride in the second season.

MRW I see Penny Dreadful didnt one one Nomination at all.

Nothing for Jessica Jones? Burn it all down.

I hope she goes for the short blond hair look. Also if we probably aren’t going to get Kate, she is at least with Toby Raines. Maybe Toby could work at Catco!