
It’s a manspiracy! I demand a mansplanation! This is unmanceptable! What maner of manshit is this man? Man am I man about this!

io9 didn’t like BvS but liked Ghostbusters?! You must be in the pocket of Big Feminism! *Mancotts the website which is like a boycott but manlier*

Yup, it is pretty much Millar M.O. - he has great ideas, but he ruins them with being (im)mature. He is too much of a shock artist.

I kind of liked the movie version of Wanted, despite some stupid I tried the comic book. Big mistake. I only made it a few pages in, but it was like wading through human waste and misanthropy, so I had to stop...

This is my feeling also. I think that Millar can sculpt a pretty good story, but fills it with so much that I find repugnant or reprehensible that I find myself not even wanting to enjoy what he’s trying to accomplish.

Interesting, but unfortunately, comics’ Kick-Ass is the least interesting Kick-Ass. I vastly prefer the movies. Everybody is less of an asshole in the movie.

Her entire media team deserves a raise. And I’m sure she’s had a fun time with it as well, she was such a good sport during #textsfromhillary.

Yes when he was getting trampled I honestly though they were going to lose and he was going to die again, and this time for good.

I kept thinking Ramsey was playing his game with Rickon just to bring Jon within range of his arrows. Having Jon die before the battle starts would be the ultimate GRRM move

Moon tea. Fuck that little embryonic shit.


Many of these shows are being filmed in Vancouver these days. I wonder if there’s a significant difference in diversity in shows being filmed in Canada vs the US.

I know you were focusing on current shows but I’m surprised Continuum didn’t get at least a shout out for doing all of this four years ago.

We got a badass over here! Look at you, angry about a non-issue. You’re so brave!

I hope the MOVIE will give her her due. She was the least-sketched of each of the characters. I want to like her as much as the other characters, so hopefully she gets an arc beyond “the female one.”

a non-issue that no one except a handful of idiots care about

And seriously, you know there are MILLIONS of women in their late 20s who have been training since 1995 to take the place of Posh and/or Sporty.

Two songs? TWO songs? How about two CDs of MAGIC. How about every song was a MASTERPIECE. A sexual revolutionary AWAKENING. Girl Power, Brah, The Susan B Anthony’s of their TIME. How about THAT.
