
When's it gonna be on in CANADA??? Anybody know? I don't want to wait until January!!!!

Dark Tower: Mr. King, please don't make jokes, you're ruining this for me... I've been hyper about this since io9's post yesterday and can't stop talking about the awesomeness....

@The Overmind: I seem to be replying to a lot of your comments... but all the same:

@The Overmind: Oooohhhh good point!!! There would be a fine line in making it visibly scary and visibly idiotic.... Here's hoping!

@ultra76: Hmmmm good point, perhaps if this is done successfully it'll open up an entire new means of doing book/movie translations!

@The Overmind: Dammit! Yesterday was yesterday, and now Oy has spilled into day.... After work, I'm going to find my books and cuddle them!

@Smeagol92055: I've got it there too... I'm hearing them pretty loudly!!

@spacekicker: Really good point, this could kick start all the side projects that people have proposed to King over the past decade!

@Crrash: Good point! They would HAVE to license the rights internationally on TV if they wanted the movies and show to be a success...

By even slightly THINKING about Jake and Oy makes me want to tear up at my desk... I'm sure there's someone as emotionally invested as I am right now?

@queensowntalia: But then you'll have to have Connect Four with Nic Cage.....

@RizzRustbolt: My kingdom for a character like Vala Maldoran!

Population growth of 30% eh Comparable to India? Maybe in terms of percentage... but 30% of a billion and 30% of 300 million are two different things... :)

Can we start playing six-degrees of Nic Cage now instead of Kevin Bacon?

@evildead1971: *shudder*... It's my major pet peeve... There are certain foods that just sound noisy that people aren't allowed to eat around me because I go buggy...

@Srynerson: he he, dude I'm sorry! I didn't mean for that to sound sharp!! I'm just excited that it was included on the chart of awesomeness!

@evildead1971: Don't forget people eating with their mouths open and freaking cold air conditioning! :)

@bookling: Check out Amazon, they have pretty sweet one-day deals on DVD sets...

@Srynerson: But they had the DVD release on there!!