
@Lassus: It was the preggo-succubi that did it for me... I was swearing at the TV again....

Is Stargate Universe on Tuesdays in Canada too? Anybody know?

@ObiHaiv: Seriously, is this still a mini series or a show? Because that's going to be a key factor for me... I just want to see how it ends!

@anibundel: Seriously, how much wrestling is on US TV?? I so confused!

@Lord_Data ∞: Same here! Never got into BSG but I adore Caprica! Renew! Renew!

@hurley_cat: *sniff sniff*... I liked Bubba.... But I know that Alan Ball couldn't have had that character because it would ruin the story completely...

@agentgray: I love Moranis. This is why I want to be excited about this movie!!!

I really want to get excited about the Ghostbusters spoiler.... It makes me happy!!!

@devilsanddaffodils: Ohhh Buffy!! I've noticed that the ones on TV have a better resolution than my "old" DVDs... I'm a little miffed by this.... (And it's ok to watch it a bajillion times, I totally have!)

@devilsanddaffodils: I KNOW... I actually decided to give Caprica a try (never watched BSG) because I heard on io9 that Marsters was in it... So I watched from the beginning because it started airing later, so sometimes it's not so bad... SOMETIMES...

@devilsanddaffodils: Ahah That's exactly what I thought! 'Cept it's on SyFy, so we'll get it in Canada 8 months later...

Coolest discovery today!

My brain's novelty store has matching buttons for your t-shirts!

I get my hopes up for every Xmen piece of the franchise... I can't help it... And now, io9, you're making me get my hopes up again! I'm at a cross between "Argh!" and "Squee!".... I'm not even sure what that sounds like!

Why s mch ht ldy? t chsbrgr....

@queenieinmanhattan: That's all kinds of win. If I did that to one of my buddies, he'd walk away from me!

@edicius: CON: Jason for killing Franklin. Bad Jason! Bad!

I am so mad at Jason Stackhouse right now.... Boy couldn't keep his nose out of other people's business! Poor Franklin!! He was gonna turn Tara, I just know it! It would have been AWESOME!

@DrForbidden: You could be the world's savior from the mutant kitties.... I would be susceptible to their cuteness.... :(