@amygdala: Side note: he still played guitar at the end!!! :)
@amygdala: Side note: he still played guitar at the end!!! :)
@reenelk: You're on the same page I am! I hoped that we would move forward with the whole "feminist = man-hating amazonian". I wish that Beyonce's quote wasn't so wishy-washy. I wish she had just said "of course I'm a feminist" because that would have progressed the view in the general populous... ARGH!
Canada rant: (sorry, I must...)... So Ontario, mostly Toronto in the center of the universe up here.... I'm a huge hockey fan, and I heard about Carrie Underwood's wedding pretty much every day on Sportsnet because he was an Ottawa Senator (Captions such as : Squee! Carrie Underwood's moving to Ottawa!!!)... I think…
I think they would have had more viewers had the regular ads picked a genre... On TV is was a comic book movie and/or "see Micheal Cera get punched", and on the radio they were advertising it as a Romantic Comedy.... Are you kidding me???
@amygdala: I still don't get it... Does that mean that everyone that can play the guitar in Hollywood should play characters that play the guitar?
The world will be taken over by cats.. and we will not know what to do because we'll be all "you're so cute, who wants a cuddle!??!?!"
Side Note: Why is Micheal Cera almost ALWAYS in a band?!?!
@bearlythere: I think it's hilarious and ballsy of any body that decides it's their place to tell you how to take care of your body.
@Teh Echoroc: Cosmo believes that their following does everything and anything that they suggest. No matter how asinine...
Agree with the other posters. The print if fab, but without the slit... I hope to see this kind of inspiration (print, not slit), in upcoming season!
@addictedtopez: That is brilliant! I love it. I just hope some people don't abuse it without going through the "proper channels" first. (IE: Bypass the customer service desk and head straight to the top and pretend like you've gone through all the channels).
I totally believe in calling out bad service. I've worked in service for a LOOOONNNGGG time and the things that "kids these days" (hah!) get away with is sometimes ridiculous. I will usually give the person another try to get it right, but if they continue with their attitude problem, I will call them out on it.
@samjenkins: You're my favorite.
@BlackFrancine: For me it was like Paradise Hotel... Where everyone was hooking up and yet money was being dangled at the end!!
@sweetelle: I wasn't going to say it just in case someone yelled "spoiler"! :)
@DrGonzho: I'm reading the futurama recaps and I want to cry a little bit...
@JoshUng: Probably the wrong forum, but I totally watch Desperate Housewives for ridiculous death scenes. Whenever they introduce a bitch, they kill her off and I cheer... It's all kinds of awesome!
@thecortexiphansession: Pro's Indeed!!
@sweetelle: Sanctamonious rant got old really fast.... I loved her in Episode one at the walmart wannabe store with Naomi Klein's book in her hand yelling at the customers... That's the Tara from the books... Then she got all annoying and stupid... I was REALLY hoping she was going to turn into a vampire!!
@thecortexiphansession: That's funny! For me it's the other way around! I find that the generic tv formula includes one dide and one chick that obviously have feelings for each other and are required to have tolkin makeout sessions!!