
Vassar! You bitches could roll. Rock on with your gay and slutty selves!

Which Seven Sister college? Is it MHC? I'm a MoHo and I remember it being a hotbed of sluts [raises hand] and gays.

[thumbs up]

Icing on the fucking cake, that is.

Thank you so, so much!!! Denton needs to hire you for the Imaginary Boyfriend series.

Can someone at Jezebel please please PLEASE do a fantasy boyfriend thing with Henry Rollins? I can only conjure up so many fantasy sequences on my own. It can be the younger, angry, screamy Henry. It can be the older, contemplative, rational Henry. It can be 20-something Henry doling out ice cream at Haagen Dazs. Any

Did you hit her? Please tell me your inner film reel consisted of a quick hand upside her head.

True Blood, but I fast-forward through the daytime scenes to watch the vampires.

The contractions were bad, but I absolutely LOATHED that burning, crotch on fire feeling that happened right before the kid came out. A former colleague compared it to passing a huge gallstone. If passing a stone is even a millionth as bad as passing a baby through the birth canal, oh dear god......

I love Biden. I can easily imagine him strutting around the VP mansion like a coked-up Ric Flair during the peak of the original Horsemen era.

Spot on. Your definition of poor made me tear up because I've been there.

I'm shocked he wasn't 90 already! I swear, that man was ancient back in the day.

Isn't this what the Amish do?

You're very welcome. Good luck.

Charlotte Murphy, MD. She's located on Madison in the low 30s. Her specialty is womens' psychiatry and has done work with women prisoners in California, was in the Peace Corps in Africa, and has a very cute dog that she brings in on occasion. She literally talked me down from the ledge, had me lower the knife, and

I've been there. I'd wholeheartedly recommend mine, if you're in NY.

Do you think he's got suggestions for how we can alter our potato sacks to accommodate breastfeeding? I think a slit in the side would be immodest but the alternative is taking the whole thing off in public just so I can feed the little one.... and sitting on a park bench sans sack is not something I want to do in

That's better than what my mom did when she came into a little bit of money some decades ago. My mom gave it to her (unemployed, mentally unstable, 40 and living in his parents' basement) boyfriend to invest.

I was an educator and I was (and still am) "incapable of pointing and clicking to make a murderous psycho go away." I can't throw a dart, toss a baseball, get a basketball into a basket, fire an arrow, or shoot a gun. Unless the murderous psycho is made of pixels and I'm using a combination of mouse clicks and

Is it mandatory that the Doctor hav floppy hair and "You'll want to fuck me" eyes? Because that's the look producers seem to be going for.