
This is an absolute longshot (ha!) but were any of you students at Mt. Holyoke College in 2001? LaPierre spoke there in Spring '01 as a guest of the school's 2nd Amendment Sisters Club. I thought he just put on his asshole hat because he was speaking at a leading bastion of feminist, pro-glbt, pro-immigration,

Nursing mom here. After nursing for the better part of over four years, I can say that my formerly sensitive boobs no longer hurt. They're like battle-hardened Marines. They've been engorged, infected (mastitis. sucks. hard.), deflated, grabbed, fallen upon, bitten, nursed, and gingerly squeezed by a sleepy babe who

This is my Henry. Not so much a 'squee' as a 'dayum. he's fat.' Yes, yes he is.

Agreed. I used to live on Claritin-D because it let me continue to snorgle my cats without dying of itchies or an asthma attack. Why? Because they were worth it, dammit!!!!!

Both kids turned out healthy and happy (save for my son's food sensitivities), but the HG absolutely wrecked my teeth. Between puking stomach acid and dehydration and the little suckers depleting my body of calcium and other nutrients...... let's just say my dentist has made some mint money off me in the past 4 years.

I had it with both of my pregnancies. It is pure hell. Here's how I described it to a co-worker: Remember that the very last time you had about three drinks too many, found yourself clinging to the bathroom rug as if it would keep you from spinning off the planet, hugging the toilet, and promised that you'd NEVER do

Henry Rollins. And have it be angry Henry from when he was younger. Not that I don't have a thing for the mature, contemplative Henry, but young, angry, bouncing around on stage with muscles glistening with sweat Henry....

I am stealing this.

I didn't say that. I said their only qualifications were having kids of their own. We did not want to hire an illegal immigrant because: a) it is illegal to knowingly hire one; and b) we are not comfortable with working off the books and wanted to be sure that we wouldn't get into any problems paying for SS and other

Background checks, immigration status, education, references, and certifications/qualifications made a big difference to me when I was looking into childcare 4 years ago before my son was born. Unfortunately, all the possible providers that cost less than my paltry salary were uneducated illegal women with iffy

According to my psych, all docs take general pharmacology courses in med school and may have additional seminars in it when they specialize. Since in many cases med school was AGES ago, most of their current information on psych drugs comes from drug sales people and the internet.

Oh, christ. This is where the anti-medicine, anti-psychiatry, and pro-"Jesus will solve everything" types will start up. I had severe postpartum depression AND postpartum psychosis and the pro-Jesus crew told me that I just needed to pray it away. Yes, of course praying to the dude who planned for my kitchen knives

Hey Deadspin, thanks for this chance to ask something I've thought about for some time: What about boxers? Where are they in the "effects of concussions" conversation? Muhammed Ali and Freddie Roach are example of what can happen in the long run, and I'm sure some boxers better known for defending the air instead of