Dr Mrs The Monarch

I love how everyone around is thrilled for her. Her coach is just super hype, and I love how nuts he goes when the judge marks the 355.

I don’t know what it says about me that my first reaction here was “but cream is neutral and goes with peach and gold.”

Imagine the similar fears an adoptee has regarding acceptance, which is more difficult for a child to deal with than an adult.

We were considering adoption when we were dealing with infertility, but it is such a LONG, heartbreaking, and expensive process (especially after the cost of unsuccessful infertility treatments), it wasn’t a real option for us. And we are middle class, white, well-educated- so technically the people for whom adoption

As someone who only knows the difficulty of trying to get pregnant from the guy side, I remember how difficult it was when sex in our relationship was work and determination instead of affection. I hope that your partner and you are both remembering to be affectionate to each other and reminding each other that you

In the struggle with you. Did our first cycle of IUI, waiting for an appointment next week to see where the cards fell.

I hope so too. My mother and I are so very fundamentally different, in terms of religion, politics, media, technology, etc. My (biological) daughter and I are much more alike, and yet I can’t say we get along any better or worse than my me and my mother. Mothers and children healthy relationships will always have a

I started seriously looking into adoption and was disappointed that all the “free” children from the state would need 24/7 medical care. We can’t provide that. My hubby didn’t want to look into adopting a child 10+. So that really restricted our choices.

i struggled with infertility,too and went through 7 ivf-s. could not keep the pregnancies, had 5 losses. aa infertility runs in my family there were a lot of adoptions on my mother’s side and my father was also adopted.

Lol, sorry. But the cases I’m familiar with involved some really shitty parenting. Like, fundamentalist religious mania combined with non-stop drama.

Someone I love is/was having a similar experience and now I want to wring the necks of anyone who flippantly says “Oh, just do IVF. Someone I know did it and got pregnant the first time!” or “Oh, you can always just adopt!”

Here to acknowledge the emotional/ physical/ (possibly) financial work you’re putting in and to

I really appreciate this. My little sister was adopted at birth and it has not been a fairytale. I love her so much it hurts, but there have been so many complicated emotions and fights and anger resulting from her seeking out her birth mother, who then told her she was not interested in any kind of relationship. I

That’s what I am thinking, latinao make less money, she is not lying.

Not being careless with grammar and avoiding vernacular and slang are two entirely separate things.

I don’t understand why it bothers you. And it doesn’t quite mean “sort of.” “Sort of” implies that you only partially think that. “Low key” really implies that your feelings are absolute, but also aren’t very strong.

If anything when kids use it instead of “sort of” or “kind of” they’re probably actually being more

More people need to see this.

This is the stupidest fucking thing for so many reasons, but it’s most egregiously the stupidest fucking thing for the NFL in specific because new research is finding a causal link between marijuana and CTE, in that marijuana may actually help protect your brain from the CTE bogeyman that has been the centerpiece of

People from Kotaku and Gizmodo never seem to grasp the idea of a cross post.

Yeah, not sure I agree with that Netflix comes of better here.

Not long before we will be paying monthly fees for automobiles