Dr Mrs The Monarch

Yes, fuck him for his misguided statements about the food culture that’s made him rich and famous. The culture he’s not a part of, yet speaks for constantly and incorrectly in small and large ways, when he could use his celebrity and connections to bolster the literal thousands of Mexican-American restaurants serving

Ferrets and minks are wonderful murder sausages. So cute, so much murder.

Palm Springs isn’t in what’s normally considered the Central Valley. The Central Valley is Fresno, Bakersfield, etc. Palm Springs is way south of that.

Here’s the problem with your argument: you seem to underestimate the degree of micromanagement many companies employ when dealing with customer service issues on social media.

1. This ‘beer is too bubbly for the beach or pool’ is a super hot/weird take.

I actually discovered GOMI because of Dooce (when she first monetized the hate) still a bit before influencers were a thing, so it was less thoughtful criticism and more pure haterade. To be honest, even at its best, GOMI is ‘bitch eating crackers’-style haterade wearing a real critiques’ clothes.

GOMI is mentioned in the story here:

This comment section should be interesting, considering that Jezebel commenters and GOMI share a number of the same people (or at least did, once).

You know, as a designer myself, I was at first thrilled to see this headline. How cool that someone not in the field even noticed! But it’s just a boring, thinly veiled hit piece on a longshot candidate based on... what, exactly? The fact that Buttigeig doesn’t have policy ready years in advance? That he thought

A restaurant experienced as a couple or solo diner is worlds away from a restaurant experienced with a large group (anything 6+ is a large group). Most restaurants aren’t great at groups IME. Servers feel overwhelmed by them and they always need to be sat somewhere away because of logistics.


People said the same thing about Trump.... a random reality TV star? And look what happened.

He’s a dark horse for sure, but so were Obama and our current Orange in Chief, once.

In general (not pointedly at you) when I hear professionals bemoan educating their patients/clients, it sounds like ego. “I went to school for so many years, I shouldn’t need to explain myself” doesn’t work when the stakes are high. People need answers and if they don’t get them, they’ll invent mythology.

I just bought a Buttigieg t-shirt because of this:

I’m not sure there are many anti-vaxxers here? But I take your point.

I would, but I would also say that it’s impossible to know the difference until they look in the binder.

Med school is hard, but rarely as hard as pain, injury, illness and/or death. Doctors (and lawyers) aren’t always right, and anyone truly confident in their professional skills shouldn’t be threatened by a patient who is an active participant in their care.

On the flip side, a lot of patients are routinely misdiagnosed and otherwise let down by doctors — esp women, esp POC — who spend relatively little time with them. Fast diagnosis by necessity require some assumption, and those assumptions can just as easily be wrong as right.

Like many CA schools (is this not common elsewhere? I feel like it keeps coming up in the stories about this news item...) UC Davis’ overall acceptance rate is high, but it has a few highly prestigious majors—like their veterinary school—that are significantly more competitive. Their wine program is also good.