Dr Mrs The Monarch

The owner was aware, that was where she initially put the dog carrier. This has been widely reported and Jezebel’s report is seriously lacking in details. If you click on any other links, it becomes obvious that there is a definite reason United has already come forward with a statement claiming full responsibility.

She did check in.

That’s not what happened. This has been widely reported (on Kinja alone it’s been reported separately on at least three sites) and the dog was not being smuggled aboard. According to multiple witnesses, the dog was in an airline-approved carrier and originally placed under the seat—per regulations—by its owner.

“As someone who’s rode a horse before...”

Even though it’s often marketed like it is, wine is not a ‘make lots of money’ business. It’s a little bit like opening a restaurant in that wineries take a very long time to see any return, operate on thin margins, and really can only be super successful economically using corporate techniques (massive scale, things

It’s on Hulu.

Because I am sad and jaded, I disagree that many—maybe most—people aren’t murderous. The 12 hours would start with mostly theft, I’d think, but that would devolve quickly. Everyone thinks their one desired act of violence is reasonable in the vacuum of their own logic (or fear). Multiply that by an entire society and

They are good movies is the sense that they are aware of what they are and they’re focused on making a few very cogent points between the blood and guts. Not recommended for non-horror gore fans AT ALL but for the genre, I think they are well done.

So do you lump donating 100% proceeds, like the one card company above, with what New Balance has done? Because I genuinely do not. Gathering consumer donations can be symbiotic—marketing for the business and very good for the benefitting nonprofit. Yeah, people will buy instead of donate, but I’d argue that many

The truth is that from a marketing perspective “just touting how great your product is” does not work. Wendy’s could begin transitioning to something nicer (more Midwestern?) now that they have a giant social media following... but being wholesome is not what got them where they are, and it definitely will not garner

Tripe is delicious and many, many people in the US eat it every Sunday for breakfast.* It’s one of the key ingredients of menudo. :)

Definitely. But generationally the advent of the internet and the way it changed the dissemination of information in the world is not unlike the invention of the printing press (Gutenberg’s, with movable type). It’s a huge defining element for the generation, even if not all individuals experienced its effects

Millennial as a term didn’t get popularized by the news services until relatively recently, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a good term for the generation. // shrug

It’s not silly; generations are marked by birth dates but they’re defined by the world around the time they’re in their late teens and early twenties. This is when people become their adult selves and when culture solidifies for a generation.

Haha, 10 years early for what? What are you, afraid of being associated with avocado toast?

I was born in ‘83 and I agree with PEW here. Millennial indicates that we came of age during the change of millennia, it’s more explanatory at a glance than ‘Gen Y’. What defines our generation socially is really internet access from a young age (though, unlike Gen Z, we’re not “online natives”) and that makes sense

I use the Jart Tiger Grass color corrector basically daily and I love it. I no longer wear traditional foundation. I also have *super* dry skin no matter what I do (garbage genetics) so I have to moisturize like a motherfucker. Here’s my latest routine, including the tiger grass stuff, which has been extremely