Dr Mrs The Monarch

Adults wanting childfree spaces is not comparable to racial/gender/etc. segregation. (And I write this as a woman actively struggling to get pregnant currently.)

It is for sure coming, unless it’s already happened and no one’s bothered to alert me because I am now Too Old.

I’m here to recommend Poshmark to Clover as an alternative to brick and mortar clothes reselling. Unlike some other online clothing reseller places (cough *ThredUp* cough) people on Poshmark set their own prices for goods so they don’t get shafted. Does it take long/more work than dropping off bags somewhere? Yes. But

Just give in! :) I’ve already accepted that at 34, my jeans all have the same cut and differ only in color and worn-in-ness: high rise, fitted, skinny leg (not painted on because comfort, but very fitted) and either hemmed to the ankle or cuffed to the ankle. This is flattering to my eyes and shows off my shoes.

I’ve sold some photos to stock companies (nothing fancy, just like Twenty20) as well as bought a TON of stock photography from iStock, Getty, Adobe Stock, etc.

Funny difference! I often think of people who are careful to say the full names of the grapes, taste just so, and stuff like that, as being new.

Different strokes, perhaps? My husband has worked for wineries for the past decade, and is currently the GM of one on California’s central coast.

I’ve never seen a whole episode of Kardashians—everything I know about them I know from Jezebel—and I’d be inclined to agree with Cherith, just based on my general pop culture knowledge and watching of the NY Housewives.

Almost everyone who works in the wine industry shortens cabernet sauvignon to ‘cab sauv’ in casual conversation. ‘Cab franc’ happens all day long too.

The half-and-half placed out on the bar is explicitly meant to be used as creamer for plain coffees, as when you order more than 4oz of milk at Starbucks, you are charged for it.

I love Sylvain. How much? I live in California and I’ve been four times in the last three years.

Advertising would mean Kotaku is being paid by Hot Toys. Just because the article-writer clearly wants everyone to buy this toy doesn’t mean that this is advertising. I assume because nothing is clearly marked, that this is not sponsored content, and Hot Toys isn’t paying Kotaku/Univision anything.

There is an edit button, but it’s only available for about 10 minutes after you comment (the time limit is an anti-troll mechanism).

There is a weirdly pervasive right wing belief that California is constantly threatening to secede the union (in truth, we mostly just flex at the fed, but that’s not even close to seceding).

I was being lighthearted in my use of the word, but really “excessive emotional or psychological reliance on a partner,” isn’t too far off in my case. It really depends on a person’s definition of excessive. One person’s excessive attachment is another person’s totally comfortable normal.

Yeah, I’m pretty pissed at him. We—Californians, as a state—pay an inordinate amount in taxes to the federal government relative to many other states, so we deserve aid and a few kind words regardless of ideological differences. Do we hate him? Yes (excepting the dust bowl parts of the central valley). Are we still

Congrats on seven years, and never feel bad about your codependence! Some relationships work like that, and that’s ok too. My husband and I haven’t spent more than 10 days apart in the past ten years, and it’s not forced at all, just how we operate.

I agree, someone down thread mentioned that the NDAs are probably unenforceable, which I hope so. I would like to Rose be as loud as she wants from now on.

These fires are stressing me out not because they’re big but because they seem especially unmanageable. Last year there was a huge fire very close to where we live and it did get a couple of houses, but it was contained relatively quickly—praise be to the fire fighters. Now, I feel like every time I check Facebook,

I’m worried she is going to be punished mightily for it. She’s obviously past giving a fuck (which I admire) but it’s painfully obvious that her careful speech for years is the result of a particularly harsh NDA related to her settlement.