Yeah, men judge women primarily based on their looks. Why? Well, if men are expected to pursue women, that really is the number one thing we have to go on.
Yeah, men judge women primarily based on their looks. Why? Well, if men are expected to pursue women, that really is the number one thing we have to go on.
There are two main things that aren’t translating in your discussion here.
Because they were wearing camo, and in his backyard. It was their responsibility to identify themselves in order to not get shot, not his. Their ridiculous cover was not worth his life.
It’s definitely true. He got in a bad accident and had extensive plastic surgery.
I feel bad for this young woman because she is just now learning that the same groups that have been “supporting” her choice to not have an abortion are about to turn on her entirely. They do not care about her or her future or her child’s future at all. Even though anti-abortion groups are pressuring the school to…
I think that Part I, Season I of The Get Down was electrifyingly good, but I binged it over a weekend, which I think probably makes a huge difference in terms of keeping all the expansive plots together.
I find it interesting that you consider the conversation you linked to “getting flamed.” People are often culturally conditioned to believe that women are the more emotional gender. Growing up in a conservative household, I often heard this bias: women argue with feelings, men with facts. While that in and of itself…
The majority of the cases quoted in this article specifically mention traffic misdemeanors — things like having lapsed insurance, not having a seatbelt buckled, or negligible speeding — not the DUIs you’re bringing up.
I don’t know if you realized, but my comment was not in support of Comey. It was very much a criticism.
Comey is Ned Stark. Very misguided, much at fault, probably trying pretty hard.
Of course, my argument is against you—you didn’t make any salient points about American Gods. (Saying you think something has “bad writing” without any examples of writing to back it up up is meaningless.) That’s why I ended my last comment by noting I wasn’t even getting into a critique of the show.
Fair warning: CanYouFeelTheLoveTonight is a fool who loves to argue in the defense of nonsense disguised as genuine opinion. I wouldn’t expend too much time on trying to convince her of anything; she can’t hear you through the echoing inside her head.
The thing I’m revealing about myself is that I know the critiques we make are grounded in our relative understanding of the world and our positions in it. Assuming American Gods is a show for men by men, full of “dude violence” and “old dude wisdom” is stupid and prescriptive ... not to mention insulting to the many…
Sometimes people say things about other things that reveal far more about themselves than the things they’re talking about.
I think we’re having a little bit of a problem as well because young people are very stupidly thinking that Instagram = art. Yes, amazing art is on Instagram. But this? IS A MEME AT BEST. THAT IS ALL. Thinking something does not make it art unless it is art. What’s the copyright on, the phrase? Can they honestly prove…
New Zealand wants programmers, they’re on their immigration fast-track list as of last time I checked a couple months ago.
Jezebel is not its comment section, and you specified “jezebel seems unable to have nuanced convos”. Even if you meant the comment section, one or two or even twenty comments about Milania don’t represent the commenters or readership as a whole.
The thing about craft breweries (and distilleries) has already happened. I work in design, mostly branding and packaging wine, but I have had more than a few experiences seeing people come in and ‘start’ a microbrewery or some such for fun on the side. Or worse, when someone’s trophy spouse needs a project.