Dr Mrs The Monarch

No. I realize we are all limited to our lived experience, but your experience here is not analogous with what this doctor did or what people commonly refer to as FGM.

You’re right about the morality of this — sharing, not owning, would be better. But part of the (unfortunate) difference between someone like, say, Taylor “this sick beat” Swift and Cashawn Thompson is that Swift is a mercenary profiteer. Being successful, getting ownership of things, can be magic too — look at

I don’t know if she should lose everything (I believe people can change for the better) but I do believe she’s unfit to teach ESL.

That is splitting the story into two parts — the book covers both their childhood battle with IT and their adult battle.

You do realize you just equated archeological destruction with actual human lives. Your entire comment implies that Jewish cultural artifacts are worth more than the lives of Palestinian people.

Abortion. It has been their single issue voter golden ticket for decades, and they will go after Roe v. Wade with a vengeance.

First of all, the statistics there aren’t even close, just by virtue of the fact that there are millions more men of all types vs Islamic extremists. Second, in the US the majority of terrorist attacks in the last few years have not been the result of Islamic extremism (source, another source, another source just

The actual problem is that you think the writer needs to provide additional evidence besides the fact that she observed an exchange that sent her Spidey Senses off. She does not. Her opinion, having been there, is all she needs. One does not require evidence to be concerned when statistics are so in her favor. Men

Well, and the awful trick is, the REASON we ‘know’ the right way to do things isn’t because we’re all horrible perfectionists or hopeless nags, but that we’ve been conditioned all our lives to do these very things well.

You’d be surprised! ;) I have had a *lot* of people talk to me about starting wineries who obviously should, ahem, read some books. (I know one owner/winemaker who is now successful and relied heavily on a ‘Winemaking for Dummies’ book in his early days, true story!)

Haha, it’s not soooo bad, honestly. I just have to be careful about what I think of as ‘normal’. If you want to know the truth, reading this post I was like “meh.” I intellectually know things are inappropriate, but they wouldn’t bother me personally. I guess I have no boundaries? Though I’d be lying if people didn’t

Virginia is actually one of America’s original “wine places,” because Thomas Jefferson was hell-bent on getting French wine to take on US soil back in the day. Unfortunately, grapevine diseases and not-so-great terroir ruined his dreams.

I refer to this phenomenon as “entrepreneurial personality.” Basically, most people who are hungry enough to work insane hours and create multi-million+ businesses from *relatively* nothing are actually, literally, a little insane. I know a number of mostly self-made millionaires — I always say “mostly” because it’s

At least in CA the min. wage is $10+/hour, depending on where you are (God knows what it is in VA where Trump Winery is). And while the CA wine industry is far from perfect, there has been a growing movement for more complete sustainability, including creating sustainable (read: livable) jobs for full-time employees

I’m in CA, so recreational use (and growing your own) is legal. I’ve hesitated to mention it in the past to doctors because I didn’t want to be flagged or some such, but I think at this point it’s a pretty ‘meh’ thing to admit.

I do drops (which I guess are technically an edible?) in glasses of water, and on a “correct” (as determined by me) dose I can definitely work just fine. It’s a body high, and a fairly mild one. I have the advantage of working from home so that helps, but to be honest everyone I know is cool with cannabis and it’s

Add it to the list. NSAIDS are *great* for short-term pain and inflammation relief, but they are terrible long-term.

I have some chronic pain issues so I’ve taken a lot of NSAIDS (mostly high dose ibuprofen) over the past five months or so and I went to the doctor yesterday and admitted I’ve switched over to edibles (weed) as much as I can, and her response was “Hey, that’s great. That will do way less damage to your stomach and

I cannot stop laughing at this.

Yes, I have friends who are winemakers who make it for themselves. It is very effective. (But personally I prefer other means.)