Dr Mrs The Monarch


Given that Twitter almost has to kill Twitter they’ve had such a hard time monetizing, I can understand.

It definitely didn’t used to be that way. When I was a member cancelling was a colossal hassle. If they’ve changed, good for them, but I’m not using their service ever again.

I guess I blink? I’ve never seen myself sleep so I don’t know.

I think focusing on Hudson is weird but that’s bc I never paid attention to her association with the brand. I’ve always assumed she was just a spokesmodel paid via profit sharing. It’s not like she’s ever claimed to design any of the clothes, as far as I know.

It’s hit or miss — for my money the legging-style pants are worth it, but never, ever pay full price for anything else they sell. (I have three tops and three pairs of pants now, so that’s my sample.) It helps that you can choose to skip a month forever... you just cant forget to manually log in and skip.

This. I have some violent stuff that turns me on (and I have a theory that some people tend to be turned on by what terrifies them so it’s a little more complicated than wish fulfillment/serial killer desires, but...) WHY OH WHY would you drive someone out to the country and scare the shit out of them like that?

I’m (apparently) one of those people who sleeps with my eyes open or partially open sometimes. I also whisper in my sleep.

It’s a colossal pain in the ass to quit, but it’s not impossible. They make you actually call. In my personal experience services like Gwynnie Bee are a lot worse. (For the unindoctrinated, GB is a subscription clothes service where you rent the clothes and then send them back.)

At this point, you just sound like a Fabletics shill. Maybe stop. This comment already covered all your counter-arguments:, but perhaps more to the point, no lawyer worth their salt would take this case if it had the No Chance In Hell your initial comment would imply.

What does “any good musically” mean to you? Complex? Difficult to sing (and well-pulled off)? Fast? Slow? Esoteric?



Thank you! I obviously have some feelings about the subject. 😉

took hye? :)

I genuinely don’t want to harass you, so I’m going to write this with the opener that I feel I need to respond to your points, but I’m going to try and keep it short.

I’m sorry, I’m going to go off on this a little bit. It’s bugged me for a long time.

Nope. Ignore.

You never responded to my initial reply (which tries to answer this) but now that I was curious how this conversation went on in my absence and came back to check and find this comment from you...