I think the term “sleep training” makes it sound overly extreme and/or weird (even I was like, ‘what is that?’ the first time I heard it) because really it’s just... getting your kid to sleep all night in their own bed.
I think the term “sleep training” makes it sound overly extreme and/or weird (even I was like, ‘what is that?’ the first time I heard it) because really it’s just... getting your kid to sleep all night in their own bed.
If it’s not about the safety of the child (and it’s clearly not exactly that, more like long-term familial well-being) then they best doctors/consultants can do is say “you should do this” and then if the parent doesn’t... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Oh, to be sure. I read that as an extreme reaction to an older child (who could wander out of bed and through the house on their own).
Yeah, I do not want to get judgey, but this feels like the exact example of why a parent would want to sleep train their kid whole said kid is still a little bean.
Holy shit. I’m not a parent so I’m wholly unqualified to comment with advice, but... I remember being six. I have clear memories of first grade. I can’t imagine remembering something like that.
I cannot imagine a more obvious waste of taxpayer money than the National fucking Guard flying a fucking military helicopter over residential neighborhoods looking for singular marijuana plants and then going and retrieving them one by one.
Freud was a hack.
I was responding to the audience as well as you. It’s all binary arguments around here when the subject of greek life comes up.
They’re fun. (Or they were when I was in college.) Also, no drunk driving or cabs to worry about—pledges have to drive.
Heh, that’s not confidence.
From a person who has also been the victim of an armed robbery and assault with a deadly weapon, although to be honest not nearly of this magnitude? Never. Not really.
I’m with you. When I heard Kim was ok last night my first thought was (this is embarrassing) that I was worried about Pascal. He’s just a German man who likes to work out and worships the Kardashians/Jenners/Yeez. :(
With fiction written by women I’d be super careful so far as judging by covers goes, and for that matter, even genre placement. Publishers have very strong feelings about what sells and oftentimes books written by women are marketed specifically as “women’s fiction” instead of “literary fiction,” with the cover art to…
There’s a fundamental difference between a person who becomes famous and purposefully invokes celebrity, attaching it to their own name, and a person whose art becomes independently famous. You can say it’s unfair that certain art forms don’t allow for anonymity like others—acting vs writing, for example—but that…
I really like the Sephora brow mousse... it’s more difficult to apply than Benefit’s gel, but it has crazy staying power and once you get the hang of it you can do it in two minutes.
This story gives me great joy.
+1 vote for Ricky Martin.
Beauty bloggers found a need that brands weren’t filling, that’s why the success. Makeup is difficult to test, can be difficult to apply, is often intimidating, and its successful use varies on dozens of different personal factors. Youtube videos are by far the easiest way to learn makeup; they allow consumers to dial…
The JW church has a pretty succinct breakdown on their main website: https://www.jw.org/en/jehovahs-witnesses/faq/political-neutrality/