Mr. Magikarp

They bitch like that because many people make gen 1 games the best ones in the franchise, which can’t be said without nostalgia goggles. The game is good, but the thing is that Pokémon is a franchise that does really get better and better with each generation. GSC fixed a lot of things that made RBY annoying, like

For some reason, I feel they didn’t get Rey’s eyes right.

Epona is actually a mech now that Link can pilot for air and space battles.

Ouch. I think you’re going to feel a bit lonely with that opinion of yours, but that might be just the thing you’re aiming for. Special snowflake.

Well, it’s their con. They started it.

I never realized just how much Jar Jar Binks and Elmo had in common.

You’ve pretty much answered your own statement/question. Some would say too old. I would say jaded. It is what it is.

If you look closely, those stills above are actually gifs of the game running in real-time with this mod on.

It’s amazing how people willfully forget the well-worn history of giving the well-established superhero mantle to a new person just because the new mantle-bearer is a different race/gender.

Ah, you’re right. If I were to read your comment and tell you to “stop emitting that strange noise when you flap your meat at me, you semi-sentient pile of elephant droppings,” you have neither a reason to be offended, nor the right to state that the statement is offensive. Likewise, were I to print out that phrase,

On one hand, I have ~$40 back in my account from my Arkham Knight refund. On the other hand, given how piss-poorly that port turned out, and how badly optimized the Watch_Dogs port was, I’m really hesitant to preorder ACS.

On one hand, I have ~$40 back in my account from my Arkham Knight refund. On the other hand, given how piss-poorly

I love the idea that he wasn’t supposed to call the police on people about to endanger those around them.

C’mon PC release!

“99 programing bugs in the code
99 programming bugs
Take one down
Pass it around
137 programming bugs in the code.”

“#universeisntfuckingfair #survivalofthefittest”

“Was that so hard?!”

Copyright doesn’t work that way.

Driv3r, True Crime, Saints Row