Mr. Magikarp

I’m sorry you found out this way.

Man, the Redwall franchise has really changed since Brian Jacques died.

I meant for “goblins and their larger kin” to be a single group separate from the latters. Kobolds are neither larger than goblins nor their kin, sorry that wasn’t clear.

I prefer to keep the bulk of their forces vanilla and homebrew exceptional versions to add when I want to beef them up. That reinforces the idea that the player characters are becoming more powerful while still providing a scaling challenge. And it makes sense, too: there are exceptional individuals in the PC races,

That sounds awesome!

They’re level 5 at this point and might be all the way to level 6 by the time they get to the place I’m thinking of, so the goblinoids will be punching above their weight. The players are pretty resourceful in their own rights, so I’m not worried!

Why did you choose goblins for this?

I think that D&D has an overabundance of low-level fodder creatures. Between goblins and their larger kin, kobolds, bandits, cultists, zombies, orcs, gnolls, and wild beasts, it can be hard to make them each feel distinct with 5e’s rules as they appear in the books.

WHY is his moustache black in some stills and brown in others?!

It’s Critical Role, which is a livestreamed D&D campaign that Mercer runs. All the players are professional voice actors as well.

It’s everybody from Node! Except Brandon.

What you’re saying makes you come across as an apologist for corruption. Of course it’s a complicated situation for cops that want to do good but are hampered by their superiors, but that’s not a good enough excuse that nothing should be done. The way I see it, it’s a culture problem, and there’s no way that’s going

I think it looks pretty awesome from the stills. Very reminiscent of 70s and 80s comics illustrations. I just suspect it won’t be animated well, but if it is?

It was the same on the switch version. The difference now is that before, your language choice determined both VO and text. Now you can separate them.

A broken clock is right twice a day. You still shouldn’t use it to tell time.

Too much filler and confusing menus obfuscating a good game? Sounds exactly like the Mass Effect 1 experience some people were hoping for.

I know that exact area and I did the exact same thing. After a near in-game week I decided to take the long way, finally.

Been carrying that torch for 20 years, huh?

Obama won the Inauguration pissing contest. HE WON. GET OVER IT.

It’s an errant grass blade.