Mr. Magikarp

There are so many articles about it because it's so outside of the norm. Expand your comfort zone, I say.

The companion stuff picks up after you get to Skyhold. Each companion typically only has about 1-2 meaningful conversations in between each major story quest, but the best characterizations they have are during their personal quests.

I guess it depends on who you talk to (Like some of the folks in the comments here). I thought it was strange in a "Wow, they're really doing this?" kind of way, but I don't think it's any stranger, context-wise, than Cole.

I guess you also treat Cole like he's not a real person, too.

Astromech droids are sort of general all-around repair droids. They seem to be used for just about everything, from maintenance to manufacturing to military use to starship navigation and even for serving drinks. They're rugged, highly customizable, and wildly useful. The most common of these droids is the R-series,

I thought it was pretty obvious Bats had ample prep time. He knew about Vader, his powers, and his weaknesses, and the layout of the Death Star, and he had enough prep time to procure a lightsaber and modify his grappling hook with an EMP to fry Vader's life support.

That's how it started, but Bats put an EMP or something in his bat-grappler which screwed with Vader's life support systems. Vader then had to focus his force powers on keeping himself alive, which was Bats' plan all along ("The Force will sustain me long enough." "Exactly. Better focused on you than me.") But once

Talking about old-school CTF and not one mention? Shame.

Yeah, but the AK rifles are still the most popular assault rifles in the world by a huge margin. That's why they're so prevalent in video games.

Oh my god, it's so majestic.

I am very sorry.

Can we have a protagonist who has more personality than a grilled cheese sandwich? We know Aiden Pearce might not be back in Watch Dogs 2, so here's hoping he's replaced by someone a bit more interesting. Why not give the new protagonist a motivation other than revenge? One of the easiest ways to set Watch Dogs 2

It'll probably take a while. The guy's made another pokemon fangame called Zeta / Omicron that's been in the works for over a year that hasn't been C&D'd yet.

I think you've got the wrong Captain marvel.

I wonder if we'll ever see a Longshot movie.

"Ohhhh, you think Abercrombie is your ally? But you merely adopted the Fitch. I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but BLINDING!"

The best thing about it this that now people might finally shut up about it.

I think I unlocked the action skill at level 2. It was a really pleasant surprise, along with actually being able to find good loot in the vending machines again!

Still got nothing on oldschool Mario Party. Broken joysticks and broken skin.

Most of all, I will miss Waluigi Time.