Mr. Magikarp

It is indeed -really- uncomfortable sometimes, even on the larger XL. I would often get cramps playing Mario Kart 7 before I invested in one of these, and the difference in comfort is night and day. There's a couple similar products on the market. Just make sure you get the right size.

Not really. Even without comparing their very-different movesets (and Lucario's Aura mechanic), in comparison to other Melee characters, Mewtwo was slow, floaty, and his moves had very little oomph whereas Lucario felt like he had much more in common in speed and weight with Brawl's roster, and had much more impact

I miss the Magikarp pokeball from previous Smashes.

He's the final evolution of the water starter in X & Y

Fuck Charizard. Greninja!

I think I remember reading something about them originally being used for mining.

I agree. I think more maps need more ziplines, as a general rule.

Nope, Relic's the one with the giant ship in the middle. Ziplines is Rise.

SMGs are just small machine guns that fire pistol rounds, you know.

120 rounds per minute is 2 rounds per second. That thing fired a lot more than that.


No joke, FEMA and other emergency response organizations have an informal way of measuring disaster severity called the Waffle House Index. Basically, all the WaHos are open, everything's dandy. Things are bad when they start operating in limited capacities. When they actually start closing? You're fucked.

I live in Atlanta. Chattanooga is one of my old haunts. I would have liked to have seen it again, but my hubris got the best of me. I took a wrong turn on 575, and wound up (eventually) in Chatsworth, Georgia. I'm still not sure where that is.

Should I feel bad that I'm disappointed by this? I was usually the one profiting from the match making :I

Basically, everyone thinks Lando (Luckey) has agreed to hand over Luke and Co. (Oculus) to the Empire (Facebook). He was told that they'd be safe and that handing them over peacefully was in their best interest, but eventually Darth Vader (also Facebook) will "alter the deal."

I'm gonna guess that "eventually" probably means after the OR is released as originally intended. Any sooner than that is just gonna mean a lot of wasted money and even more pissed off potential customers than they already have.

*sigh* A few years earlier and one state to the south and we might've had a Roanoke Island game. What a shame.

Works for Sam Fisher.


God I miss M-80s. Their Rehab drinks aren't bad though.