Come to think of it, hexagonal fruit makes perfect sense for an interplanetary sci-fi setting. The shape means much cheaper shipping, since you can fit more into a smaller area, so you could fit a lot more onto a ship.
Come to think of it, hexagonal fruit makes perfect sense for an interplanetary sci-fi setting. The shape means much cheaper shipping, since you can fit more into a smaller area, so you could fit a lot more onto a ship.
It's $20 for one month's worth of CREDD. The gold-CREDD exchange rate will be 100% market-driven, as it should be, since the reason you buy CREDD with cash is to sell it for in-game gold.
They're from the original team, which makes them a little more credible. They've also got people from Asheron's Call and DAoC, if I recall right.
watch out everybody, we got ursa badass, here!
I should try bruin up a pun, too.
At first I was expecting a Goat Simulator rip-off, in which you rampage around a city as a bear. This is a bit more mundane, but it also looks like it might be a really fun exploration game...
I'm calling my next haogie a "AAA, next-gen" sandwich.
Today I've found out that many of my favorite things to do in Titanfall involve mutually assured destruction, like quickly throwing out all my satchel charges and detonating them immediately just to make sure the other guy dies with me, or using my own cluster missiles to get rid of a pilot trying to rodeo me. They…
I think it was just before its time. There really are a lot of similarities between Brink and Titanfall, from the movement to the multiplayer "campaign."
This review finally gave me the right word to use when describing why I don't like Dark Souls. The word is "esoteric."
The beta suggests that the latter is incorrect. The former depends on you.
Nay, friend. That kick is aimed squarely for the gut. With a hard enough impact to the area right under the sternum, you can damage the celiac plexus (aka solar plexus, a nerve center located behind the stomach), which will cause spasms in the diaphragm (that's what "getting the wind knocked out of you" is), cause a…
On PC, you hold E. You can also prematurely eject from your Titan by pressing X and mashing E, but that blows it up. I did not know that the first time I tried it.
This doesn't just change the number of buttons you press on your way to a statistic, though, it redefines the way you approach the game from the perspective. With wall-running and, more importantly, double-jumps at your disposal, you can do things that you've just never been able to do in a first-person shooter before.
No way rocket surgery is anywhere near as fun to watch as this is.
Awkward. The code came from here, and according to the mod who posted it, it should have still been working as of 7 hours ago. Maybe it's a regional thing?
I'm just salty because there are no plans for a PC port. As they're releasing it for 360, One, PS3 & PS4, AND is requires online support, there is literally no excuse for it, unless for some reason they don't think a PC version would be popular enough to warrant a port. It constantly bamboozles me.
Pretty much, but I think it seems to be doing pretty well. Any sci-fi that does well I count as a victory, even if it is being carried by the actors. I mean, hell, it's doing a better job at keeping a coherent over-arching story arc than Fringe ever did, and Fringe lasted 5 seasons.