and spaceships. Spaceships are a glaring omission right now.
and spaceships. Spaceships are a glaring omission right now.
Honestly, I never watched it since I'm not a big Halo fan, but I am a big fan of the idea.
I'm sorry, friend.
I've been hankering for a new sci-fi show to come around. Almost Human comes really close to scratching that itch, but not quite.
Titanfall (Xbox One, PC, Xbox 360)
Ooh, sounds like Forward Unto Dawn. I dig it.
Strong armor being heavy wouldn't have anything to do with it being penetrable, and I fail to see what WWI has to do with any of that either.
You're right... Hope he can breathe in that thing.
I can totally see a reason for having the Flash's costume made of something tougher than spandex, though: everyone trips from time to time. Motorcyclists are supposed to wear tough materials like leather to protect them from skin abrasions in the event of a crash (Seriously, concrete burn at high speeds is NOT…
An arrow won't have enough force to pierce both a knight's plate armor and the padded clothing underneath unless the archer fires from about 20m or less. From that distance, whoever the archer is shooting at is not unlikely to close the distance and kill the archer before bleeding out. The real strength of archers…
I hope it looks like "Birth of Man." In an ideal world, Mojang would be looking into this deal with Warner Bros. in order to give Brandon Laatsch and his guys a more legitimate channel to work through. Buuut that's unlikely.
One option is to grab a pokemon with Prankster that is faster than either. I suggest Whimsicott. God, I love that bastard, and its new Fairy typing has made it even better. Watch out for poison, though.
I was thinking about that earlier, and I decided that 6v6 was a good number. I cringed, CRINGED when I imagined the kind of chaos that would ensue if the number were bigger. One of the best things about the game is that I almost never feel overwhelmed (Except in LTS when I'm getting double-teamed by a rodeo clown…
I'm a Brink fan too, and the parkour in Titanfall feels a lot like Brink's system (minus the "hold sprint for autopilot" thing, but let's be honest, we went manual or we went home). It really is the main draw for me.
More like a calzone being somewhere between a pizza and a pie.
I wouldn't worry about it too much. I received a beta key yesterday, but it was for the Xbox One when I had signed up for the PC beta. I wasn't the only one either!
I think you're drawing connections where there aren't any. Calling them Titans was the Devs' idea, probably because they don't fit in with the either the western Mech (Mechwarrior, Hawken, etc) or the Japanese Mecha (Gundam, Voltron, etc), but rather someplace in between.
How many times have you thought that before, just to have your hopes dashed by a blue shell?