Female Machamp would like a word with you.
Female Machamp would like a word with you.
The stones are held items so yes, you can transfer them.
People don't get to choose their own nicknames, why would a console get to?
Anyone else read this in the style of the PokeRap?
Just me? Ok.
I didn't think you were. Still, there wasn't really anything like that in the mod version. It's a funny thing, but a lot more subtle and meta than Portal. The Narrator's soliloquy is really dependent on the context it creates for itself.
I think the game itself is a bit too smart for that. I played the mod and it can't really be summed up in a meme like that.
The Stanley Parable is the first game in a new genre which I like to call Existential Survival Horror.
And, and Tomb Raider (and all its DLC) is 75% off on Steam until the 16th. That makes each single piece of DLC less than a dollar.
It's still a lot of bloom. You're right, though, it is a lot better now. It's also a bit hard to tell if they've still got that Super Mario Sunshine heat effect in the background that I thought was so awesome. Oh wait, it's there, it's just a lot more subtle.
That's a lot of bloom, but everything else is tip top.
Good point about it being unbalanced, though it wouldn't be the first time (Lookin at you, Gen IV, and your Empoleon which is the butt of everything).
I wouldn't go that far. It was definitely a lot worse before gen IV and the attack category split.
I meant being banned vs being placed in uber.
But they look like horns. Regular Mewtwo has horns too, they're just more like nobs. I'd have preferred those.
Report: internet commentor needs to chill.
Ah, but there are exceptions, like Aura Sphere.
I just want to know why the hell it's got a stick stuck in its tail.
it's the former.