Mr. Magikarp

Aren't those effectively the same thing?

on the Serebii site, it says that Fennekin's 2nd stage will learn Psyshock, Chespin's will learn Mudshot, and Froakie's will learn Bounce. I'm betting that those are hints to their 3rd stages' typings. Fire/Psychic, Grass/Ground, and Water/Flying respectively.

So it looks like where Mega Mewtwo Y looks more like Mew, Mega Mewtwo X looks like an even more mutated Mewtwo. My first impression is that I hate it, but that is mostly because of the horns, I think. Just ew.

But you didn't have to deal with it at the level that the girl in the article did.


To all you folks that maintain that SCE Cambridge were doing nothing illegal by bait-and-switching this guy, ponder this- If they didn't do anything wrong, why did they lose the suit?

Holy crap! I remember playing Time Splitters 2 back in the 5th grade with my best friend. Those were some good times. I look forward to once again sticking proximity mines to my face and running at dudes.

that is funny! I really wish games would add more comedic models and skins nowadays, even in games in which "funny" isn't a primary function. It seems like it was a more common practice back in the n64 days, but it got away from us sometime since then...

I'm actually reading the Hyperion Cantos now. I think the Shrike may be my favorite... Antagonist? Natural Disaster? in literature.

I don't think it's possible to get the bends from diving like that. It's been about two years since I learned to dive so pardon me if I get this wrong, but the bends come from relatively large amounts of nitrogen expanding in your blood. The only way you can get that much nitrogen in your blood stream is by


Even without her hair, she's gorgeous.

I want to be surrounded by people that sound like this all the time. Fuck it, I'm visiting Scotland.

Do not get short with this guy. He will kick your ass.

Ah, the thing with Mega Charizard is that, since you're probably going to see it almost exclusively on Sunny Day teams, all you need to do is compare it with Ninetails, the only other pokemon with Drought that isn't in Uber. Some people will stick with Ninetails, since it will have more versatility due to not having

Mega Tangrowth

I'm sorry, that joke's probably already been made, hasn't it?

I would've thought Chrome would wear more white. Hm.

the stupid forehead flower, and he got some vines and more leaves. He definitely got the shaft. Poor Venusaur, forever the least-popular of the three.

Everything is derivative, but I am also interested LIKE HELL.