
f### you zuckerberg. i will never open up a facebook - gmail serves me quite nicely.

this is why i love kotaku.

Don't hate - Celebrate. Much love to China.. Others should take note.

i say we twit-bomb the $### out of him.. who's with me????

@Flesseck: they basically made him the head of production studio studio 4 who were scheduled to release 5 gamecube games games of triple AAA quality - that was their aim.

killzone 1 & 2 sucked balls.. lets hope the 3rd one can 'live up to the hype' - i'm expecting the worst.. hopefully i'll be pleasantly surprised.. lol..

mikami is the coolest game developer of our generation.. good for him.. good for us too actually.. ever since capcom screwed him i've felt sorry for him.. vanquish looks awesome.. can't wait to see what this guy and his team can cook up next..

atrocious company - yet coolest ad ever

that was awesome.. when is the release date..

i hate this guy..

@poorleno: zinggggggggggggggggg!!!! m***** f******! hahahahahaha! best reply anyone has ever left me! hahahahahaha!

epic.. can - not - wait!

so this is how tax payer money is spent.. hmmmm!

@casmith07: i think so.. activision will go to any lows to promote the crap out of this game. funny thing is i have a feeling the multiplayer will be broken and too hectic compared to mw and mw2.. lol..

@Cymatics: not that i'm trying to blow my own trumpet here or anything.. but most of these combo's can be easily pulled off during matches with enough practice - frequency is key of course to master the timing.

wow.. this looks so cool!