
would citizens of such a rich region 'need' to pirate games?

that.. was.. awesome..

i'm more exited about google tv to care about this i'm afraid.. however i live in london so i suppose if this is as good as sky player (or better) then its still pretty decent..

design wise.. this opening looks so amazing.. really making me think nintendo should go this type of route when it comes to making a 3d pokemon game.. a pokemon game with this type of art style would sell MILLIONSSSSSSSSSS of units..

get well soon bro.

and i just bought a black wii bundle for my nephews birthday.. ****!!!!!!!!!!

the epic boss is a retard. wait - we already knew that!

@shawnwilkesbooth: either way it is still our troops that are dying due to wars which should never have taken place.. i find it downright disgusting. btw it's veryyyyyyyyyy easy to point at others whose opinions don't match your own..!

@dirty: its selling for 20-29 pounds on many sites over the weekend and in some stores - might be worth a punt whilst the special offers still stand!

@shawnwilkesbooth: nothing justifies war. sure there are differences in ideology when it comes to different societies across the world - but nothing can or ever will justify war.

@anaki: inside job..

@anaki: not really.. i mean what exactly do we (f)actually know about who what where and why in regards to the wars in both afghanistan and iraq? not alot..

@OTCIXS: not at all..! i just find it hard to believe that mountain dwellers rode planes into buildings - which they did not

@Icarus.: no good guys here i'm afraid.. even the people who do actually oppose the war and conflict are still bystanders.. viewers.. a passive audience through active consumption.. war.. has changed..

@d_r_e: no one gets it.. as the saying goes.. bombing for peace is like ****ing for virginity..!

@Gioza: this debate can go on and on till we are blue in the face and our finger tips have worn away due to excessive typing.. war sucks regardless am i right?