
sometimes i wish microsoft would just chill and focus on windows..

that is one fine toosh.. but the boobies can do with a kotaku fish lol.. (just saying, being on the front page n all)

Punch (not a pinch) of salt please.. you have to understand that Kamiya is one hell of a hilarious bad ass developer. He was trolling the dude..

looks ugly. stick to desktop / pc please..

they should keep selling it.. i'm sure it could still more than the vita.

Region locks are so primitive.. Nintendo should know better.

This was a wonderful piece.. and a perfect example of why Kotaku will always be the most visited site from my bookmarks.. well done!

it's their own fault for restricting the show.. why not allow netflix to purchase a licence? hbo / go would still have it as a timed exclusive ffs.. anyways they can't complain about shit - many people i know bought the season 1 and have pre-ordered 2 on blu-ray.. so fu hbo.

lol.. the original looks waaaaaaaaaay better! hahahahaha!

you wanted man nipples on your controller?

I think it may also have something to do with the GB of old going on a colonial spree which naturally included raping and pillaging.

Comparing Madden's (a game which hit rival platforms 1st) online presence on the Wii U compared to consoles which have been out for yearssss is just.. well strange.. especially when also considering that Nintendo has never had a strong online presence before..

I hate the load times and find them abysmal.. praying that Nintendo can take a page out of Microsoft's book and do a 'dashboard' like update or two.. I really really want to love my Wii U.. :(

even though i'm a multi-platform gamer i strongly wanted to get this for the wii u.. since they announced it won't be landing on nintendo's console the fanboy in me won't be getting this game for any other plarform.. yes. i'm totally stubborn.

Why no 'Dead or Alive' on Wii U??

Download keeps failing.. Nintendo I hate you. >_<

totally would've bought this for my wii u..

Loving these cool finds Stephen! Keep em coming in!

Once you remove your fanboy (nerd rage infused) spectacles, I'm sure that even you'll be capable of realizing that it is useful, it is different, and that people will use it.

Sony should know not to mess with Leisenberg..