
@farsight-XR20: u need to get your ass on xbox live.. btw i just beat mass effect 2 AGAIN.. AGAIN!! lol..

oh my god.. are these numbers for real?? shocking if you consider that the gamecube sold like 11 million (i think) units during its entire lifespan!

bioware have way surpassed what square / enix achieved..

by far the best and cutest disc this gen..

yessssssssss! you guys dont understand how happy i am right now! ive been playing alot of mass effect recently.. ah man.. words cant describe how happy i am!

@Veit: true enough! didnt fahey just sell his go on ebay recently?

im just pissed that the game doesnt seem to have a story/plot.

i feel the amout of time and polish they are trying to put into this game is rediculous.. i also feel it wont be as much fun as.. oh i dunno say forza 3 for example..

outside of japan sony are desperate for a bigger share of the portable market.. with the iphone / ipod touch already well established alongside the ds/dsi and now the ipad emerging as another threat to sony's percentage its a desperate move.. however.. i still feel ALOT of psp owners will be very pissed about this..

@m0m0: i think a better alternative would be to have a price drop, and also release limited edition bundles (diff colours perhaps?) with a pack in titles such as metroid : other m, galaxy 2, pikmin? well you see where im taking this.. i hope!

i think its kinda cool if they start to play with the idea of 3d this gen.. however i feel the 360 and ps3 have both thus far not fully delivered us true hd gaming (how many games released are actually 1080p)?

no gerstmann cameo - no ticket purchase for me

its not a problem at all in my opinion.. one price drop and a few key releases this year would create the mother of all spikes in sales rise

could be interesting to compare sales data to that of GOTY winners over the last few years..

project reality.. wow.. that brings back fond memories..

3ds sounds pretty catchy so i wouldnt be surprised if they kept it..

so.. he is.. a plant?! 0.o ?!

actually looking at what sega's business model has been like in recent years i wouldnt be all that surprised if this wasnt authentic lol..