With that in mind, check out the full list here
With that in mind, check out the full list here
[Mild spoiler for later in the book/series]
He’s supposed to be 15 in the books, eventually reaching 19 by the end of the first novel. Ferguson is actually about the right age for that, if you assume that Jessica became Leto’s concubine in her early twenties or late teens. Same for Oscar Isaac at 42 - he’s old enough to plausibly be the father of a teenager.
The dude could easily do nothing but roles exactly like this for the rest of his career
They don’t make many of those anymore.
“This is the kind of role that only comes along once in a lifetime”
Let me break it down for you:
#22 steal content from reddit so that you don’t even have to ask your site’s commenters to do the work.
I like that reddit. My favorites:
Ugh. Too bad it’s a slideshow, so we’ll never see any of them...
#21, using a slideshow instead of real content
It’s an odd casting choice. The woman who wrote the book was in her 30s when she was cleaning houses, not early 20s.
I remember thinking that about Claire Danes
You’re probably thinking of Lifetime. Hallmark does zero crime or fatiguing dramas. They do chintzy romcoms and Christmas movies.
Weird comment, brother.
What took them so long? This woman has been awful forever and this website gleefully takes down other women for far less offensive things than they gave Nicki a pass for.
Give me a break. Prior to one week ago, had this website ever censured Nicki Minaj? Even the announcement of her marriage to a known pedophile rapist was covered with “You know Nicki!, I guess she does what she likes!” insouciance.
You’re right. I phrased that poorly.