
Okay but “Ant Antstead” sounds like a made up name for a character on a budget cartoon show about insects.

I also think about the show the Wonder Years, about the distant past of the 60's and Vietnam, and how only 20 years had passed and today the first episode would be about 9/11

It seems like some don’t realize how long it has been since this event. It’s not ancient history, but it is history. Doing this show today would be like doing a documentary on the Iran Hostage Crisis in 2001.

I feel like the 9/11 truthers have moved on to even crazier shit.  

It had little to do with the US meddling in the Middle East - bin Laden wanted very much to ignite a war that would wipe out the corruption in Saudi Arabia so he could rule over a new Caliphate. It wasn’t what the West had done; it was that the House of Saud had embraced the corruption.

3rd and 4th gen Prius are downright gorgeous. They have pronounced flowing lines, daring curves. They’re a unique design.

Outside of cameos in The Last Jedi and Knives Out, he hasn’t been in a hit movie since Don Jon almost a decade ago.

I think it was just after Don Jon it seemed like he kind of disappeared from prominence for a little while, even though that seems to essentially only have been three years?

Why does Joseph Gordon-Levitt need a comeback? Did he harass someone? He was in a Best Picture nominee last year.

It’s the Wade Boggs Memorial Beer Limitation Statute.

“My parents’ house has wildly appreciated in value in the past couple decades due to record low interest rates, protectionist zoning laws, and a societal shift to valuing housing as investment over shelter!”

Would seem like a standard thing to have for any makeshift repairs to equipment (and there’s plenty of non-flight-critical equipment on a plane) during a flight. There’s probably a collection of “stuff” to have for any in flight maintenance.

The joke is that that the much vaunted high tech gyroscopic stability of the Segway has a very low tech solution that would have worked just as well -- a third wheel, not that Segways themselves used that solution.

Because I’m fun at parties... the Segway doesn’t need a third wheel, and the third wheel that has been shopped onto that Segway doesn’t make it look any less dorky (which as others have pointed out, is the fundamental problem).

Many years after the Segway debacle, and yet many years ago, I was standing on a street corner waiting to walk. Then I heard a loud whirring and the thumping of electronic dance music approaching rapidly. As I turned, I saw an absolutely jacked black guy in a bulletproof vest and camo pants, not just “riding” his

The root of the problem with this thing was that it was, for want of a better word, dorky.

It almost changed the face of sports as we know it.

I remember the hype buildup to the Segway announcement, and I remember the hissing sound as all the air escaped from the balloon. As a non-car owner, I thought the tech was cool but I could see a fatal flaw immediately: it had all the downsides of riding your bike to work (you get wet when it rains, it can get really