
Its easily (outside of a Tesla or maybe Porsche) the least creased new car by a huge margin. 

I didnt think the hijackers were chosen like that per se, just that the majority of their best guys came from SA because, well, they had the biggest pool of the Muslim version of mass shooter archetype “dissociated and maladjusted upper-middle class dudes”.

Now playing

If you really want to know what that day felt like watch this:

There should definitely be just as much focus on it as there is on methane emissions from oil & gas. Pretty sure organic waste decomposition accounts for just as much atmospheric methane as o&g. 

Wait until you find out about VW!

Ah Jack Antonoff: they guy who help make your least favorite music from all of your favorite artists. 

That dock worker worked at the Baltimore docks during S2 of The Wire, though. 

Um using ethanol for gas is absolutely not cheaper than oil, especially out of corn or anywhere else that doesnt have a crapload of sugarcane excess to make it from.

A 4x4 Ram 50 was my first car. The first time I saw another one on the road I got so distracted looking at it I drove into a curb.

Dang, I was way off. 3-4000 seems like the range. 

In a 3/4 ton truck the drivetrain might weigh 3k. It probably weighs closer to 15k in a big truck. But the weight savings might not be more than 5k or so.

Electrolysis is wildly inefficient and hydrogen storage is much more difficult that storing natural gas or propane.

It wont be quite that bad of weight hit. The electric drivetrain will be much lighter than the diesel one its replacing.

Except they arent when you look at the entire process. Energy is wasted at every stage of hydrogen process. Its much more efficient to go full electric or if range is an issue, scale up a Volt style drivetrain.

Landlords should suffer first and hardest during recessions. During booms they get free money just by being rich. 

If that is the case, landlords should have to sell their property. Easy peezy.

If you are killing yourself in your garage a CO monitor in your house will not save you. 

Seems much more like a 90's contrarian. Think “Thank You for Smoking”. I am sure his beliefs have evolved considerably since the times when “more rainforest now than 100 years ago” talking points were bandied about. 

So, what everyone did with everything before the advent of modern refrigeration?

Would have been so much cooler if it just stayed a Panda.