
HUcast represent, dont enter the room till we shoot the traps.

HUnewearls fo’ LYFE!


Another win for “listen to your body.”

Yeah, I always thought it was bullshit when my high school football coach said to stand up straight. No, coach, it’s not better for me. You know how I know? Because it’s harder to breathe. Nothing that restricts oxygen is good for you.

Aye screw the mouse... can I have the industrial robots?

Stupid advertising too. Who actually falls for this forged in flames and sparks bullshit anyway? Not that they should show an all white room in China where an old lady is putting the pieces together but at least show off what the mouse does.

(scrubs through reveal stream video) old favorite missions like “follow this dude” and “chase this dude” are back. Also, for some reason, horses can run over metal lamp posts.


I’m usually all hipster-like and main the underdogs, one that suits me, but not in Mortal Kombat. It’s the one time I allow myself to be in the bandwagon, because Scorpion is just the best. I gotta Scorpion. That’s right. It’s a verb now.

Same here, my PC will be 3 in March and this is the first game I've seen where I don't make the minimum. I was kind of expecting it for GTA V since it runs so bad on PS3 but somehow I'm actually above the recommended on it.

Pretty sure it's not, and that it won't be. I'm a 100 (S) Priest and I do Firelands every week. In fact, this reminds me I need to go before the weekly reset.

Why is it fans always have to make what Nintendon't? Include more classic Pokemon and this is gold!

Still waiting for this in Wintergrasp....

Brilliant! Although me personally I would've gone with the Exo-Squad look.

That's how you save the game.


Oh PSO. The hours I've sunk into you for a chance to catch a glimpse of those red drops. How I'd do it all over again if SEGA released PSO2 in the west.