
can't speak on that first feature. As far as the second goes, while I agree it would be nice to have such a feature baked in, I use Greenshot in Windows to select an area and save it to a file. All by pressing PrintScrn key. I highly recommend it. Even gives you options at the end to select what you want to do with

Hopefully you bought other games with the PS4 to help ease the disappointment this game might have been to you. Terrible if this was the game to get you to jump to current gen and leave you this way.

This is one of my problems with the game. Once you hit lvl 2o it suddenly goes from effort based (xp) to random luck by hopefully getting armor with a decent light rating. What makes this even more stupid is the fact that the main way to get armor (emgrams) are governed by a flawed system where you don't always get a

As someone who has 40 hours put into one character, over 20 of it at max level this entire article should just read "Get lucky". Have 2 friends who hit 20 last night, they are both now 25 because they got lucky on drops. i'm stuck at 23 and have been for 4 days.

Every time I saw that poor bit of flooring get stomped by that murderous GameBoy, I wanted to call the cops.

Dude, I am right there with you.. Its like watching someone beat up part of my childhood...

But Space Engineers is not a side scrolling shooting game with call backs to mega man. I see what your asking but the answer for me is I want this game I don't want another type of equallly worthy game. I was and am heartstruck that Hard Corps Uprising never made its way to pc. I loved that game on 360 and this

*just kidding

BOOM! Couldn't have said it better myself.

Everyone keeps saying it is like Borderlands, but I would say a much better comparison is Halo+Phantasy Star Online. The way there seems to be a hub, and various regions with missions in them, and the loot mechanic seems more like it than Borderlands.

Now playing

There's a short version that was cut to air on TV, but this is the full one

He went to BlizzCon and live-cast some matches in World of Warcraft, and that was unscripted, but he was still pretty hilarious


haha, at this point the only game i can consider to be "next-gen" (or current gen, whichever you prefer) is a game that is only designed for the new consoles and PC. anything that is developed for both always falls far short.

The A.I. is so advanced that it tries to cover bugs.

would be cool of nintendo created m rated titles

I was going to post the same thing.

My WW barb is jelly of you

Im down. I friended you.

wow nice shield :D