
On the Joe Rogan Experience Podcast, Cliffy B was a guest recently, and he said that the next quake are taking a lot of queues from the Quake 3 Arena universe, to bring back that competitive edge, which would allow the new Doom to be more of the original run-n-gun as we all know and love.

That's funny as fuck!

Great, just what we need... more attention deficit disorder-driven technology. Also known as AD³ Tech ©®™... LLC... ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Very interesting shot control.

My first thought when reading your comment was: "...isn't Far Cry 3 set on an island with lots of water/tropical elements, completely different storyline with entirely different approaches to many elements in-game, with no signs of large-scale cities to cause havoc within, including bank robberies, property ownership

Zero Fucks - Just want to experience this beautifully made game.

Virgin Level 9000

He... may be trolling you, Seph.

This series should be called "GTFO: Russia"

Dear Ubisoft,

I used to drive a 1992 Cadillac DeVille. I loved that thing, so much that I named her Betsy. She's been missed for many years now.

Dear Mr Dioneo,

Well, in the car world some people like old ass cars with horrible handling and boring interior, but it's what they're into. To each their own... and what I wrote, was obviously a joke lol.