
Dear BlackBerry,

Would of been funny, if you actually read the post and not jumped to the comment section.

Yeah, just what we need, another outlet and reason for people to bitch and complain about unfinished games lacking content.

I love how rubbish the UI design is on these shows... yeah lets add gauges and meters to a technology device thingy and use gradients EVERYWHERE WOW SUCH FUTURE! lol

Powerful Rogan.

No Duty: No... No Warfare

A game about hacking, where you have to hack the game to make it play better.

Is there anyone who's doing PVP videos?

Captain serious. All aboard SS Srs. Ubisoft should just give us the damn game they showcased 2 years ago without locking crap up.


Is it really a mod... when it's locked up inside of itself like a hidden gem, and runs ppresumably better? lol

It's highly likely you'll be okay... a common misconception is that these next-gen engines are murderers of hardware. It's actually quite the contrary, they're highly adaptable and forgiving.


Um fuck yeah America? PSO was my most favorite online RPG i've ever played... sinked HUNDREDS of hours into my Dreamcast back in the day and original Xbox.

With that said... I see Destiny as a Halo + Phantasy Stay Online + Diablo hybrid that makes me happy in my pants.

Yes but I still question, will you be able to walk out into that exact part of the world you're staring at in the screenshot, or is it all for show?

Low Poly-Count > Pixels = Importance. Cool and all, but i'd rather have high fidelity and realistic meshes versus 4k/8k gaming.

Sweet fucking hell. That is awesome.


Thank you!

Yeah, I'd say that too if I were looking for attention lol.