
This is what I’m looking forward to most.

For a freighter, there doesn’t really appear to be a lot of room for, you know... freight.

Is Kim Jong-un ordering take out?

No anti-deflategate chips?

Can the chips measure pressure?

So it’s almost just like chocolate mousse?

Or Chicken Cordon Bleu but without the chicken, ham and cheese and with bread fried in bacon fat served with bacon.

Take my money now.

Holy shit, fuck that video. I just want to see the damn thing operate!

The sterilization of children

Downtown Disney. I think you mean Disney Springs. *adjusts spectacles*

I don’t understand why so many people are weird about this? It’s marketing. I’m looking at my Nest thermostat and I’m not angry because it does not make a good home for birds... 😜

I honestly wonder why I still read Gizmodo. After BLam and some of the big guys left, they’ve just become shittier and shittier. There’s little differentiation between Gizmodo and just general tabloids. Legitimized and monetized shit-posting.

I'm going to need context... and video... as to how you found out about that. It doesn't seem like something that would come up in conversation much.

I mean this guy isn’t going to win, but your arguments are very flimsy and don’t seem to grasp what he’s claiming. He’s essentially saying he created the smartphone, and all the options in his drawings are basically smartphone features - so he’s going after the largest smartphone company.

Saying it’s not even close

Dude, spend a little less time dorking around with toys and a little more time cleaning your pool!

There are two issues with dash:

A year ago I would have loved one for Coca Cola. Cost really puts me off this though, as far as I know most products end up being way more expensive through Amazon + even within Amazon you are restricted to the even more expensive stuff.