
Even without rising sea levels, Florida Is Even More Screwed Than We Thought

Sucking a drone into your engine may not result in injury, but it does cause a lot of rather expensive repairs to the turbine blades. If it passes out through the bypass section your looking at replacing several blades and possibly some stator sections. Normally you replace the damaged blade and the one on the disk

How is the rubber band going to rewind itself?

I am so tempted to make one of these, but then I would never get any work done. (I also really love the dancing shark in the background and want him as well.)

i had one of those!!

Only for Mac!? Don’t they know that our prime gif creating time is at work.

Honestly, scientists are such bad shots.

He missed the target low to the right.

wow it’s almost as if they have more stake holders and better things to worry about than a shitty tech blogger. amazing how that shit works.

Hey, please update your Java, and while you are at it, we would set the default installation option to include the Yahoo! toolbar. Have fun!

THAT’S a demand any judge will be sympathetic with.

I would like to request 1.3 billion for all the time I wasted downloading untold updates over the last decade.

All holes matter...

It’s not the sensationalism that disappoints, it’s the failure of creativity. It didn’t vanish, or break.. “No one knows why the satellite went dark this weekend. Radar tracking stations can see debris at it’s location, and communication anomalies just provide more questions.”

That’s why I don’t like to say I’m financially broke. I prefer to say that my money has disappeared.

First person to say “it disappeared into a black hole” or some variant gets a knuckle sandwich.

Just like a child right? Fruit never drops far from the tree. The tree is this case is the internet - the lowest common denominator we have enabled people to race to the bottom when it comes to behavior.

How was it not right? People bombarded a machine learning algorithm with a bunch of racist ideas, and the machine learned to be racist?

It’s never too late to learn! I use Tinkercad a simple and free online CAD program to put together designs that have already been done to the specifications I want. You could then find a nearby printer or library with printers to print it for you. If I had a Pi and this HDD I would do it for ya. Here and here are