
Yes the fingerprint button location was designed by someone who only holds the phone in their right hand. If you hold the phone in your left hand you will find the sensor in an awkward position

Like you I had pre-ordered some time ago before Chips became the norm or cards back before they were even thinking of having a chip card. When that happened I asked them what was their plan and they said they had no plan at the time so I said refund my money and they did. Looks like I got lucky.

Verizon Wirless doesn’t allow it for some reason you have to hack it to get it to work and then the display doesn’tshow the available space correctly.

You can already do that with the previous plans, called safety mode where they slow you down after the amount of data you paid for is up. So right now I pay $88 a month for 24gb and after that I’m slowed. This new unlimited plan is $110 for 22gb and after that your slowed. How is this a better deal? On top of 24gb I

I have 6 phones and 1 iPad on my account with them I looked at what it would cost me. Unlimited it shows I would pay $110 a month would lose my bonus data, discounts and roll over data. With their cap of 22gb and yes I know it says it’s unlimited but I can tell you that when you reach the 22gb and they start

Now only if Verizon Wireless allows the phone/os to consider the internal and sd card storage as one big storage space so you don’t have to choose where things are installed.

Convincing? Not for me but it is a step forward but for me it still looks like CGI

A steady flow? Why didn’t they flood the retailers with units.I tried to buy some this morning I actually wanted to get 4 for gifts for my family not just turn a profit on ebay where they are selling for $500+ already. Got to my local target and found a line and the store only got 8 units.

A split view of what he’s doing at the controls would be cool to see

Bauer, who sustained a cut in his right pinkie finger while repairing one of his drones, started the game after having his scheduled start in Game 2 skipped to give the finger more time to heal.

Was it to much work to include why his had was actually bleeding in the first place?

Before Google Pixel and Pi Pixel just Google LED Pixel and Falcon Pixel Player (FPP) which runs on a Pi

I’d be interested in seeing a list of all states and the counts of seized items. Comparing Utah to Florida seems like Apples and Oranges to me. I would image most states have low counts compares to those that border a country or water and have high volumes of imports via ship or air.

I like it when businesses email me from their AOL account and expect me to take them seriously.

Looks like the TP Link Smart Plug would cover up the second outlet on the wall which is a terrible design.

Looks like the TP Link Smart Plug would cover up the second outlet on the wall which is a terrible design.

So you can either charge your phone or use your $300 headphones with an adapter but you can’t do both? Removing the jack and not adding wireless charging is just dumb.

My 2006 Nissan Titan has aux and no blutooth so I bought a small blutooth to aux adapter that just stays plugged.

maybe a good idea in the future to make sure things work correctly before having a big event like this.