
You can get a Bluetooth dongle for your PC for under $20.00

Keep in mind the Bluetooth on these is only supported in Windows 10

She was the only reason I clicked as well.

Many many years ago I had Sprint. It was horrible both the service and their customer service. I switched to Nextel which was so much better then shortly later Sprint bought them and turned it to shit. I switched to Verizon Wireless and have never looked back.

That’s one of the crappiest shopping sites I’ve seen. Minimum of 12. Must create an account to see pricing. Can’t login after you create an account unless you have been approved. Sign up asks what country and then pre-fills UK even if you pick something else. Requires company name and asks questions about your

Exactly Hammacher = min 2x what you should pay for something. Give it time and they will be on Amazon and eBay for much cheaper.

Lego VIP members can order this today

“fun to see Cary Grant run away from a TIE fighter, and stare at R2-D2" Do you actually know anything about Star Wars? Do you know the difference between C3PO and R2-D2? I didn’t see Grant stare at Rs-D2. Just saying.

I have Verizon FiOS now known as Frontier FiOS here in Florida. I pay for 150/150 and anytime I’ve done a speed test I always get more than I’m paying for using Even with all of the Frontier craziness everyone has had my service has been fine hopefully it continues to be that way.

If they don’t already they should offer senior discounts and get some of these old people that shouldn’t be driving off the road, problem is seniors often don’t have or can use a smartphone.

1000% sure this is not the case with my TV

Those evacuating in the dash cam videos I can only imagine the anxiety from waiting in traffic and the amount of heat they could feel from the fires.

“If you connect hook up your phone” HUH?

I understand the idea behind this but you still need to sear your food to get the caramelized tasty bits otherwise your food while cooked will look very blah.

“If you connect hook up your phone” HUH?

I understand the idea behind this but you still need to sear your food to

In the middle of you playing your favorite online game too.

I have a Westinghouse 47" TV with a bad display and I only paid $300 US for and it’s not worth the cost to fix it yet I have no idea what to do with it.

I guess you fall into the group that thinks all US currency has dead presidents on it.

When I saw this, all I could think of was the Death Star

As others have pointed out this appears to be pointless. Especially key’s. You can’t start your car without your keys. My 2005 Infinity G30 already tells me when I don’t have my keys, it also will not let me lock them in the car or in the truck it knows. It also beeps at me if I leave the car running and take the keys

Maybe it’s all the spicy food causing the heatwave.