
Facial recognition from space is now possible.

Doesn't say anything about supporting Chip and Pin cards. Square has at least annoucned they will have a reader that does. Why would Amazon come out with a new service and then not include something as impotant as supporting Chip and Pin card reading.

4k Video capture with a 720 video screen, seems dumb.

And when someone bumps the table/desk it's on and it rolls off the desk and smashes on the floor. Yea I'll pass.

I guess they finally realized that after you install COD and Ryse and the map packs for both and a few other apps you end up with 50% of your space gone. Good thing I'm not a hard core gamer with lots of games installed I'm sure I'd be forced to have to uninstall and reinstall as I wanted to play games which

Looks more like Halo then COD which is ashame because I like COD because it's COD not because it's HALO.

My problem is the amount of BS apps Verizon thinks I need and all the updates that go with them. I wouldn't mind them installing them on a factory reset if I could then remove them later. And yes before you tell me to just root it I know but I shouldn't have too. I bought the phone and I'm paying them a large

Cool but not $79 cool.

At 27 your still just a youngnster.

At 25 your still just a youngnster.

Umm looks like he used more then a copper wire and a magnet. Just saying.

My only question is the car stereo and speakers in not just FORD's but ever car I've ever been in low to high end. I was even part of a paid focus group on this for the automotive industry. Why in the hell do car stereo's and speaker always seem to be soo crapppy. Sure they have been adding new high tech features


Seems fake to me.

HAHA of course Global Warming was blamed.

Didn't Gizmodo already do a story on this some time back or is this a different girl doing the same as the previous? Guess it's a slow news day.

The power went out and the motherboard fried. Sorry I don't believe it.

Sucks to be you then I've never had that kind of problem.

You do realize that is not very cost effective right? Say the phone is $500. On edge you would pay about $21 a month or $252 a year for the phone which you must turn back into them if you upgrade at 1 year (which you can't upgrade unless you've paid 50% of the phone) where if you just pay the phone and get the 2

Some or all types? That's pretty generic it would be more useful if that was broken down more.

Like in Florida, you can not have/ignite anything that goes into the air, however due to a loop hole you can purchase anything you want.

Either way even the states with an outright ban there is no way they have the