
Doesn't surprise me the Sam Biddle wrote this. (feels the ban hammer coming). So now your blaming the internet for this guys actions. Oh that makes sense. He could of purchased all of what he bought from any local gun store just as easy, he just chose to save some money buy buying it online. So lets say he

Weird I've had no problems.

Meanwhile the rest of the internet is slow so it does no one any good to have this fast internet connection. Oh well you can share your porn with your neighbor at blazing speeds but that's about it.

Or you could buy these at the State Fair where I've seen them for years being demonstrated all the time. A lot cheaper there too.

Huh what? What DSLR has a auto retracting lens?

I don't agree with your bias review of this phone. How long did you have it/use it on a regular basis? First off it's a proven fact it 64gig microSD cards work in the phone. As for the price if your a new customer and get it through WireFly or some of the other resellers I've seen it as low as $25 for the phone. $23

If you can't breath in space how do you smell it?

Sure 305 down ooo 5 faster then FiOS but what about the upload speed. FiOS still has everyone beat on that.

It's apparent you people could care less about your 2-A rights in the US. Why should the criminals be allowed to have guns when the law abiding citizens are not allowed to. I have my guns legally for the protection of me, my family and my property.

How is this up close and personal? You have showed me nothing more then what you can see at Kennedy Space Center Visitor Center


I don't really see a difference other then making it more touch pad friendly.

Could this be the nail in the coffin for them?

"muppet-colored" think you meant Smurf-colored.

I took a look at the ouya and the first thing I thought was oh I can already do this on my xbox 360 writing games in .NET and sell them on the xbox 360 market place. I can also make those games work on windows phone as well.

First thing I thought of when I saw this is the St. Petersburg Florida Pier.

Saw this on tv either last year or the year before on one of those shows where venture capital guys look for the next great invention to invest in. They passed this one up I don't remember why but this has been around at least a year or two now. was hacked too

So I tried this and can say I'm not impressed.